LGBTQ is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. These are people who identify with various groups of people within the gay culture. It is considered a vlnerable populations since it meets certain conditions that affect their access to healthcare. Vulnerable populations in healthcare include children, the elderly, ethnic minorities, and  all other people in the community who are in one way or the other disadvantaged.

Members of LGBTQ have several gay stereotypic characteristics such as a desire to mimic specific behaviors to fit in. An example is where gay
men wear makeup and dress in women clothes. Also, members of the LGBTQ partners tend to divide roles such as laundry, cleaning, and paying bills.

How is the LGBTQ a vulnerable populations?

There are several reasons why members of the LGBTQ are considered vulnerable. For instance, they fear coming out due to discrimination. People
discriminate against them due to their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, increasing the risk of developing depression, substance use disorders, and other self-destructive behaviors. Besides, members of the LGBTQ suffer from social stigma, and disparities in healthcare, education, and employment. As a result, they have higher prevalence of mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, suicide risk.

There are health practices and beliefs that are common among members of the LGBTQ community. For instance, harassment and discrimination cause people in the LGBTQ to develop stress and related conditions. They are also at an increased risk of developing sexually transmitted diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, mental illnesses, and substance use disorders. I would use a written type of communication to address the LGBTQ population in an advanced nursing role. This is because most of the people who identify with the population are not confident enough to come out and seek medical services. APA

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