This proposal is hypothetical and made up so you can come up with anything but must be based on real factual information. The main goal is how can feminicide be reduced. This could take place on different countries. If possible include mostly articles one could find online. DO NOT include title page please! Thank you for your business 🙂

This proposal includes only 7 steps

1.) Introduction

2.) Statement of problem-explain issue of feminicide in detail.

3.) Aims/objectives which is to reduce feminicide

4.) Justification of Topic-benefits of the research and its contribution to society.

5.) Research Background

6.) Scope of research and its limitations-make clear of specific issues that will occur during research process and what issues will be left out.

7.) Preliminary literature review-definitions of main terms, explanation of search strategy, brief outlines of most relevant models and theoretical framework. APA style

How can feminicide be reduced
How can feminicide be reduced

How can feminicide be reduced?

Several recommendations can help prevent femicide cases. To begin with, reducing gun ownership or strengthening gun ownership laws. This is an evidence-based appoach to reduce femicide cases. The ownership of handguns increase the risk of perpetuating intimate femicide cases. According to the World Health Organization,  women are more likely to be murdered by their lovers if there is a gun in their home.

Additionally, strengthening the collection of data on femicide can help prevent femicide. This helps to create awareness of the social factors under which femicide takes place. Besides, training of health care workers to identify intimate partner violence is a significant way to reduce femicide cases (WHO, n.d). In other words, training of healthcare workers can help to create proper documentation of femicide cases and record the issues surrounding them.

Moreover, training and sensitization of police and other criminal justice system members can reduce femicide cases. This training helps to identify and document cases of femicide. Furthermore, imposing punishments for all
those found guilty of femicide offences can help reduce the cases.

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