HIPAA privacy Rule Violation
Patients in a healthcare facility require to be treated with respect and dignity. There are
set standards that regulate the conduct of healthcare providers towards patients in a facility. This
paper identifies a situation in which a patient’s rights and interests were violated, description of
the nursing practice, interventions, and a rationale for decisions. Order
The case is about a nursing student who violated a Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA). The student was employed as a CAN as was assigned to the night
shift in the acute care facility. She signed an agreement that she had read and understood the
HIPAA provisions. During her first clinical day, she was given instructions verbally to select one
of the patients she had provided care for. She was then to present to the selected patient and his
or her family the impacts of family dynamics on the nursing student's ability to care for the
patient. She was thereafter required to present her case study to other practicum students and
representatives from the education department of the facility for which she was given two weeks
to prepare. A senior practicum faculty was given the responsibility to exercise oversight for all
the students at the facility. Functions such as evaluating the achievements of nursing student's
objectives, planning, and monitoring were done by the full-time nursing faculty. HIPAA Privacy rule violation
On the afternoon that the nursing student was to present her case, the unexpected
happened. The Director of Clinical Education telephoned the clinical placement coordinator for
the nursing education program. The Director of Clinical Education informed her that the senior
practicum experience had been terminated due to HIPAA violations. This occurred during an
informal discussion when the nursing student discussed the patient's family status with other
students. The student received a failing grade as punishment for the violation as was required to repeat the practicum course at her own expense after the end of the suspension. This case was
critical to my learning as it enlightened me on the consequences of HIPAA violation. With what
happened to the nursing student, I learned to confide a patient's private information. Read more
The problem that requires intervention
The problem, in this case, is the violation of HIPAA Privacy rules. HIPAA Privacy rules
and regulations are standards that protect an individual's medical record as well as other personal
information. The HIPAA applies to healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare caring
houses. HIPAA Privacy rule is the most complex of all the HIPAA rules and has measures to
protect the privacy of patients (Carter, 2017). The HIPAA also provides penalties for violations.
The nursing student violated the HIPAA Privacy rules by leaking information concerning the
family status of the patient. According to the ethical code of conduct, healthcare providers have
an obligation to confide information concerning their patients unless required by law to disclose
it. This case requires intervention because it is unethical. Maintaining patient confidentiality
helps in building and developing trust between healthcare providers and patients. When trust is
created, the two parties can exchange information freely thus improving the quality of care.
Confiding patient's information also prevents patients from being stigmatized and discriminated
against. HIPAA Privacy rule violation

Action needed
Concerning our case, the nursing student had consented to read and understand the
HIPAA rules and regulations. There is an urgency to ensure that healthcare providers are versed
in the rules and regulations. To effectively do this, healthcare facilities should come up with a
program designed to teach the new student nurses about the HIPAA and the consequences of violation. Assuming that the student nurses can read by themselves and understand is a detrimental mistake. The healthcare providers who have been found guilty of violating the HIPAA privacy have been suspended and fined (Furstenberg & Levy, 2018). Actions thought about but not taken in the past concerning HIPAA privacy rule violation include paying
restitution to the involved patients and serving a jail term. Individuals who violate the HIPAA
privacy rules should be suspended for a period of not less than three months, pay restitution after
the suspension, and write an apology letter to the offended patient and the facility. Repetitive
violators should be forced to resign. In our case, the termination of the practicum experience
served to prevent future violations. The termination of the practicum experience was very effective
as it sent a strong warning to other student nurses as well as healthcare providers. In the future,
HIPAA privacy rules violators should also pay restitution to the patients or be forced to resign. HIPAA Privacy rule violation
Rationale for decision
After analyzing the nursing practice situation, the chances of being involved in HIPAA
privacy rules violations are minimized. This is because I have taken the time to read the HIPAA
rules and regulations again and again. The case also serves to prepare healthcare providers
psychologically if they are found in breach of the ethical code of conduct. My transition to
practice will be effective as I already know what my duties and responsibilities are to patients.
Through the case, I will also influence colleagues at work to desist from any violation as the
consequences are dire. I will endeavor to practice with a lot of professionalism. HIPAA Privacy rule violation