High cost of college; The value of higher education in the United States continues to increase over time despite the cost increases. The college tuition fee increased by a whopping 36 percent between 2008 and 2018. However, the rate of inflation only increased by 2.1 percent during the same period. Universities and colleges are funded by three sources, including tuition and fees paid by students, the government at all levels, and alumni contributions. This paper aims to discuss the various reasons that make college costs high and recommend ways to make it affordable.
Many reasons cause college and university education to be expensive. One of the reasons for the increase in the cost of education is the surge in demand. The second reason is the lack of enough funding from the government, especially at the state level. The third reason is employing more faculty members than the school can pay. This is among the leading causes of the increased cost of college and university education. The last reason is that universities and colleges often provide unnecessary services, such as bowling games and non-academic trips. High cost of college

A college education can be made more affordable in several ways. The first way is to cut on unnecessary expenses, including games that many students do not play. The second way is to encourage students to join community colleges. The third way is to find alternatives where possible such as purchasing cheaper college textbooks. The fourth reason is to switch from using credit cards to debit cards. The fifth way is to encourage students to find a job during the summer holidays. Students like me can do without some sporting activities such as bowling, archery, and boxing. I would be willing to do without these sporting activities to make my college education more affordable. Why is college expensive
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