Considering two major civilizations in Western Culture (Greek and Roman), specifically discuss what you consider to be their most significant contributions to the world culture in both Art (you may choose Painting, Literature, Sculpture Architecture, Music) and Philosophy from each period.

Discuss your reasons for selecting the specific work of Art and the specific Philosophical concept for each movement. How do they continue to impact Contemporary culture.

Approx. 700 words

Suggested Outline:

Introductory Paragraphs

Thesis on the arts and philosophies that you consider most significant, definition of terms (what do you mean by “significant”) and parameters of significance to contemporary culture, statement of purpose for discussion tied to thesis.

Body Paragraphs

Greek Art–Discuss most significant contribution and why you feel it outweighs all others

Greek Philosophical view–Discuss most significant contribution and why you feel it outweighs all others

Roman Art–Discuss most significant contribution and why you feel it outweighs all others

Roman Philosophy–Discuss most significant contribution and why you feel it outweighs all others

Concluding paragraphs

Greek and Roman Art
Greek and Roman Art

Restatement of thesis and purpose for discussion.

Art refers to diversity in human activities that involves modeling of visual, auditoria, or
performing artifacts. It defines a component of culture intended to appreciate culture’s beauty by
expressing ideas, emotions, or the general world view. Art is a skill acquired through study or
observation and brings about creativity through human imagination and visual thinking. On the
other hand, philosophy is the theory behind the general and foundational questions about culture,
existence, knowledge, language, and values. Philosophy investigates the ultimate existence of
nature basing on human knowledge and the overview of human conduct. This essay will discuss
the Greeks and Romans’ most significant Western culture contributions towards both art and

The Ancient Greek art started way back during the Cycladic and Minoan civilizations
governed by the local Egyptian traditions. The most significant contribution of the Greeks to the
world culture was through Sculpture Architecture. This is due to their remarkable works of art
best seen in areas of sculpture and architecture. The Greeks made significant innovations in
[pottery painting as well as the styles in their modern buildings. The art of the Roman Empire in
the Western Culture was greatly obtained from the Greek art in sculpture modeling. Over time,
the Greek architects have been known for their fine and distinctive buildings in the Ancient
World, especially in their temple designs. These temples, which are found all over the region, have unique characteristics both in structure and decorations, which distinguishes the Greek’s
architectural works from the rest.

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