Frustrating nursing experience; One of the frustrating experiences I have had during my nursing practice relates to intravenous (IV) insertion. This is when I failed to hit the vein in one shot during an intravenous (IV) insertion and my patient was a health professional. This experience left me very embarrassed and low-spirited.
Significance of the problem
Intravenous (IV) insertion is a nursing practice that involves the insertion of a needle into the vein for infusing medication, blood, or fluids (Ramer et al., 2016). This experience was frustrating because it is imperative for nursing in practice to master the IV insertion. Failing to hit the vein in one shot may influence patients to doubt the quality of care provided by a practicing nurse. Although failing to hit the vein in one go is common, it is very frustrating. read more
Researchability of the problem
The problem is highly researchable. In other words, it does not require intent searching but can be found easily from various websites such as Anesthesiology & Intensive Care, Quora, and Registered nurse Frustrating nursing experience;
Feasibility of addressing the problem
Addressing the problem is very easy, requires minimal time, and more cooperation of patients. The recommended tricks and tips for hitting the vein in one shot include being confident, assessing the vein, feel the vein, using a vein locator, and inserting the needle on the non-dominant hand (Anesthesiology & Intensive Care, 2019).

Interest to the researcher
Since that day, I have had the interest to research various factors that cause practicing nurses to encounter the problem. The research has helped me to learn multiple methods to apply to avoid a frustrating experience. My experiences during an intravenous (IV) insertion have since then been interesting. Frustrating nursing experience;
Other frustrating experiemces include seeing patients die after doing everything to care for them, long shifts, having to use time-consuming technology, and a lack of respect from other people in the healthcare industry.