Quality research means a scientific process encompassing study design aspects such as
methods, questions, selection of subjects, and measurement of outcomes. This paper will discuss
the essential characteristics of quality research. It will also mention if the qualities are unique to
a qualitative or a quantitative methodology or apply to both. Read more
One of the characteristics of quality research is that it should be based on the work of
others. In other words, it must give reference to the already existing academic works for
credibility. This quality applies to both qualitative and quantitative methodology. Secondly,
quality research must address the real problem in the world directly or indirectly. In other words,
it should focus on giving solutions or recommendations to a real-life problem. This also applies
to both qualitative and quantitative research studies. Thirdly, it should state with clarity the
variables to be examined. Research variables are considered essential because they give a study
focus and determine the cause and effect in research. Variables should be clearly stated in both
qualitative and quantitative research studies. Essentials of Quality Research;

The fourth element of quality research is that it should be generalized to other settings.
This means that the results of a research paper should be useful in a broader group of people or
situations. Generalization also allows researchers to take what they have learned on a small scale and relate it to a bigger picture. It applies to both qualitative and quantitative studies. Essentials of Quality Research;
Fifthly, quality research should be based on novel questions and a feasible study plan. This entails
engaging in systematic planning, setting time-based and realistic objectives. Novel questions and
a feasible plan should be present in both qualitative and quantitative studies. Lastly, quality
research should be original. This means that it should not be plagiarized or contain the same
information from other researchers. Originality applies to both qualitative and quantitative
research studies. Essentials of Quality Research;