Enhancing Nursing Practice Through Practicum
Reflect on how your practicum experience throughout this program has helped you develop an appreciation for nursing scholarship. ,How will you incorporate scholarship into your future nursing practice? ,Reflect on how your practicum experience throughout this course and program have helped you integrate EBP into your nursing practice. ,What resources will you use to facilitate EBP in your future nursing practice?, Include links to at least two resources you have found helpful and will continue to use in the future.
The purpose of the threaded discussion is to promote dialogue among students and faculty during the course.
The student must provide the initial substantive response to the discussion question/topic(s) posted by the course faculty by Friday of those weeks with a discussion board assignment.
The student must also provide a minimum of two additional responses to two student colleagues on two different days by Tuesday of those weeks with a discussion board assignment.
All questions posed to the initial student post by course faculty need to be answered by the student to earn full credit for the discussion board assignment.
Provide substantive feedback to a student colleague’s response. Respect and thoughtfulness are essential.
Enhancing Nursing Practice Through Practicum
Discussion boards are not opinion boards. Students must use scholarly sources to support their claims. Always provide citations. While you don’t need sources for response posts, they strengthen your arguments. Cite any information from course texts, peer-reviewed articles, or credible sources. Faculty will monitor citations and compliance using Turnitin throughout the course.
A practicum is hands-on training for nursing students. It is vital for professional development (Liu et al., 2022). The main goal is to help students learn in a real-world setting, not just in a classroom (Liu et al., 2022). Practicums are required for degrees in various fields, including education, healthcare, psychology, and social work. They vary by study area and type of school (Liu et al., 2022).
This discussion reflects on my practicum experience. It has deepened my appreciation for nursing scholarship. I will share ways to incorporate scholarship into my future nursing practice. The practicum also helped me integrate evidence-based practice (EBP) into my nursing. I will share resources to facilitate EBP in my future work. APA