Enhancing Education for Doctoral-Prepared Nurses
iv) How do you envision the role of doctoral-prepared nurses evolving in the next
decade based on emerging trends and healthcare delivery changes?
DNP-prepared nurse response: The role of doctoral-prepared nurses is likely to evolve in
the next decade due to emerging trends and changes in healthcare delivery. For instance,
doctoral-prepared nurses are likely to collaborate with other healthcare professionals to
provide a holistic approach to care (van Dongen et al., 2024). The DNP-prepared nurses will
also continue advocating for healthcare policy changes aimed at improving the nursing
profession and patient outcomes (van Dongen et al., 2024). In the next decade, doctoral-
prepared nurses will likely leverage more technology and artificial intelligence to improve the
quality of patient care. I am also anticipating policy changes to remove the barriers to practice
among doctoral-prepared nurses (van Dongen et al., 2024). This includes the authority of
APRNs to practice in different states and the removal of collaborative practice agreements.
v) What changes need to be made to ensure that the education provided to
doctoral nursing students prepares them to meet the evolving needs of patients
and communities in the future?
DNP-prepared nurse response: One of the changes that need to be made in ensuring that
the education doctoral nursing students receive prepares them for the future is training them
Enhancing Education for Doctoral-Prepared Nurses
In the area of research and evidence-based practice, changes are essential (Taylor & Terhaar, 2018). These changes will help students understand the basics of conducting research. Additionally, they will learn methods to integrate scientific evidence into their practice.
Furthermore, it is crucial to foster a culture of lifelong learning among graduates. This can be achieved by providing continuous development opportunities. For instance, introducing mentorship and certification programs can be beneficial.
Moreover, training for doctoral-prepared nursing students should focus on leadership and policy advocacy. Encouraging students to take on leadership roles is important. Participation in policy advocacy activities should also be emphasized.
Besides, exposure to healthcare technology and informatics is necessary. This training equips students with skills to improve patient care. It also enhances their decision-making abilities.
Personal Summary of Lessons Learned
From the interview, I learned that the practice of doctoral-prepared nurses has significantly improved healthcare. Their efforts have inspired the development of evidence-based practices.
Additionally, the past roles of DNP-prepared nurses have led to the creation of theories and frameworks that guide nursing practice today. It was exciting to discover that these nurses also act as healthcare leaders, engage in research, and participate in policy advocacy.
During the interview, I noted several policies affecting doctoral-prepared nurses today. These include collaborative practice agreements, limited prescriptive authority, and cross-state licensure.
The interview also highlighted that the future role of DNP-prepared nurses will expand. This expansion includes facilitating interprofessional collaboration and increasing involvement in advocacy activities. Additionally, the use of technology will enhance the quality of patient care.
Lastly, I learned about the changes needed in education for doctoral-prepared nursing students. Educational programs should focus on research and emphasize lifelong learning. Encouraging graduate students to engage in leadership and policy advocacy is also essential. APA