DNSD’s evaluation Program: Result AnalysisDNSD's evaluation Program: Result Analysis

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The staff education project documents, including course objectives, PowerPoint presentation, and test, underwent expert evaluation for validity and usability by three critical stakeholders at the project site: the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL), Director of Nursing Staff Development (DNSD), and Clinical Quality Control (CQC) staff. Each expert provided ratings on seven statements, ranging from 1 to 5, with one indicating disagreement and 5 indicating strong agreement.

According to the mean results of each expert evaluation, the CNL’s assessment yielded an overall mean score of 3.857. Notably, one question received a rating of 5, indicating substantial agreement, while four were rated 4, signifying general agreement. Two questions received a rating of 3, suggesting some room for improvement or disagreement.

In contrast, the DNSD’s evaluation yielded a higher mean score of 4.571. Four questions were rated 5, demonstrating strong agreement, while the remaining three received a rating of 4, indicating consensus. These results suggest that the DNSD found the staff education project documents to be highly valid and usable, with minor areas for improvement.

Similarly, the CQC staff provided a favorable evaluation, resulting in an impressive mean score of 4.857. Six questions were rated 5, indicating strong agreement, while one received a rating of 4, suggesting consensus. The CQC staff’s evaluation underscores the high validity and usability of the project documents, with minimal areas for enhancement identified. APA

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