A practice immersion is a hands-on learning approach where students immerse themselves in a particular field or profession to gain practical experience, deepen their understanding, and develop expertise. A DNP practice immersion allow students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings usually under the supervision of experienced practitioners. The practicum experience is also useful for enabling students gain practical skills, refine clinical judgment, and develop leadership abilities necessary for advanced nursing roles.

APRNs in practice engage in various activities during the immersion. The first activity is that APRN students work directly with patients in assessment, diagnosing conditions, and developing treatment plans. Through this, the students gain hands-on experience that help to refine their clinical skills and gives them the necessary expossure to allow them provide high-quality care. The practice immersion also allow DNP students to collaborate with other key healthcare providers, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and social workers. This equips them with the skills that enable them to communicate effectively with other healthcare professionals and contributing their unique expertise to improve patient outcomes.
Besides, participating in the immersion experience provides APRN students with an opportunity to deepen their leadership roles as it allows them to lead quality improvement projects, participate in committee work, or implement evidence-based practices. This plays a pivotal role in preparing APRNs for leadership positions in advanced nursing practice. Additionaly, the practicum experience provide APRN students with an opportunity to implement evidence-based practice as it allows them to conduct research, critically appraise literature, and integrate research findings into clinical decision-making. Engaging in such activities helps build APRN students so tha they provide care that is informed by the best available evidence. Furthermore, the DNP practice immersion help students to learn about the determinants of health and thus advocate for policies that promote health equity.