Technology has impacted social interactions in many ways. Driven by a solutionist approach and supported by the available means to develop digital structures, engineers seek solutions to mitigate or enhance many different aspects of the social life of individuals. With the economical and digital inter-connection happening worldwide, individuals and societies are collectively impacted by the innovative and eye-catching modern technologies. The technological interventions may have unimagined consequences, or amplification of already observed latent effects may arise. Digital Dating Platforms
Digital Dating Platforms
Digital Dating Platforms
Perhaps of the most visible effects of the changes directed
by technology is the so-called acceleration of the pace of life.
This aspect may be understood through a paradoxical
mechanism in which modern technologies shorten the time
needed for a certain activity and that, at the same time, create
the space in which new social interaction practices are created
[8]. In addition, individuals come to be involved in the same
activities as before, experienced in new forms, and, at the
same time, in new social practices that arise on the way. Digital Dating Platforms
Tinder app is a type of technology destined to ease
connection between strangers in proximity. The app has
succeeded at removing barriers between romantically
available individuals and has created a space in which they can
easily introduce themselves and meet face-to-face almost
instantly. The dating app has undoubtedly benefited many that
were lacking opportunities to meet potential others. However,
the shortening of time required to meet partners has not
necessarily resulted in users behaving in the way normative
dating scripts dictate finding a partner, working on building
a relationship and deleting the app. On the contrary, users of
the platform have adapted to the presented digital structure in
multiple ways. Tinder has incentivized an exploration of
potential experiences and opportunities, the interactive use of
the app, through swiping and matching, serial encounters,
short-term relationships, together with new social practices
and unforeseen risks Digital Dating Platforms
Harvard style

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