Describe Fibromyalgia in terms of the following parameters:
Age-appropriate, culturally responsive, comprehensive assessment.
- Description of postulated pathophysiologic mechanisms of the disorder- these should be linked to common symptoms observed in clients who present with this illness.
- What behaviors on the part of the client (with either condition) would lead you to believe that they may be experiencing a psychiatric emergency?
- Develop a general treatment plan for either disorder- what evidence-based psychotherapies would you plan include? What evidence-based psychopharmacologic approaches (if any) would be appropriate?
- Discuss any legal/ethical issues inherent in the care of the individual with Fibromyalgia.
- How would you know if the care of this client (either in an acute episode or chronic care) exceeded your clinical competence? How would you proceed with the client’s care in this case?
- What other professionals would you consider including in the care/treatment of this client, and why?
Due Date: First initial posting to the required threaded discussion topic is due by Friday, 11:59 pm EST.
Peer and instructor responses are due by Tuesday 11:59 pm EST. Please note points will be deducted for same day post.
Total Points Possible: 50 points.

Postulated pathophysiologic mechanisms
Anyone can develop fibromyalgia. However, women develop fibromyalgia in large numbers compared to men. The condition is more likely to develop between 25 and 55 years of age. However, people of any age can suffer from the condition, whether older or young. It is not easy to tell the number of individuals affected by fibromyalgia, but it is said to be a common condition. About 1 of every 20 people is affected by the condition. It is difficult to tell the exact number because it is hard to diagnose, and there is no certain test to diagnose the condition. Read more
Fibromyalgia has a culturally responsive parameter. The condition affects one socially. The patient feels embarrassed since they cannot perform daily tasks as usual. The patient’s key challenges are in planning daily activities alongside interaction with family members due to the severity of the symptoms, making them isolated. Therefore, the condition distances one from their social circle. APA