The main difference between a manager and a leader is that a manager has people
working for him while a leader has people who follow him (Winston, 2018). In other words, a
manager is someone who uses people to accomplish pre-determined tasks. A leader, on the other
hand, is someone who shows his followers the way to follow. A good manager is characterized
by the ability to make decisions, the desire to achieve, the ability to solve problems, attentive
listening, and excellent communication skills (Winston, 2018). A good leader's characteristics
include confidence, honesty, accountability, inspiring others, passion, commitment, and excellent
communication (Winston, 2018). It is worth noting that an individual can be both a manager and
a leader. Critical thinking experience
I consider Barack Obama to be among the most effective leaders America has had.
Obama became the 44th president of America and served two terms before he was a prolific
politician. I consider him an effective leader because as a senator of Chicago, he was got
involved in community projects. He became an inspiration to people both in America and the
whole world due to his commitment and perseverance. As the president also, Obama advocated
for change in all spheres of American residents. Lastly, I consider Obama an effective leader
because he is an excellent communicator.
Question 2
Charisma is the quality of being able to attract that inspires devotion in others. Charisma
plays an essential role in transformational leadership because it helps organizational leaders to
motivate, influence, and empower their subjects (Williams Jr, Raffo, & Clark, 2018). Through
the use of charm, leaders are able to achieve a positive influence. I do not see how people who are not overly charismatic can be transformational leaders. Without charisma, a leader may not
be able to inspire and motivate his followers to increase performance effectively. Similarly, a
leader who is not charismatic may not be able to influence his followers to increase commitment
to the organization (Williams Jr, Raffo, & Clark, 2018). Charisma is, therefore, necessary for a
person to be a transformational leader. Leaders should take steps to ensure that their
transformational leadership is ethical to include; personalize your management style, leading by
example, guiding, inspiring, and inspiring creativity. Critical thinking experience

Question 3
The control function of management allows managers to check errors and mage
adjustments where needed. Control function ensures that the performance achieved is consistent
with the pre-determined goals of an organization. However, controlling is a difficult managerial
function because the standards of performance cannot be defined in quantitative terms (Kerzner,
2017). In other words, it is difficult to quantify aspects such as human behavior, job satisfaction,
employees' morale and level of efficiency. The challenges involved with controlling the
management function include lack of sufficient resources, errors encountered in the flow of
information, inaccurate measurements, and incorrect analysis. Critical thinking experience
In summary, a manager is someone who brings people on board to work for him. A
leader is someone who has people following him. Barrack Obama is an effective leader because
he has inspired lives, is charismatic, has a desire for change, and is an excellent communicator. It
is not possible to be a transformational leader without charisma. The control function of
management is difficult because there is no known way of quantifying standards of performance.
The control function is faced by challenges such as inaccurate measurements, lack of resources,
and incorrect analysis.
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