Read Conformity and Obedience in Together: The Science of Social Psychology
\For your convenience here is the link; (it will also appear in the Course Document Section)
View: the video listed in the Course Document Section, The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo (The video link also conveniently listed below:

For this essay:
Zimbardo’s main points with appropriate references to the video (e.g., Zimbardo’s point about….can be found at time 20 minutes…..). ? Include a brief description of Zimbardo’s research at the beginning of this question including it’s nexus to the Solomon Ash and Milgram obedience study.
In this essay be sure to address the questions below:
What is conformity and Obedience?
What happened at Abu Ghraib? Did any the findings of Ash, Milgram and Zimbardo
I know I say this so many times that it is quite hackneyed, but I know I will be asked again….so how many words should this essay be (or any of the essays)? May I quote JD Salinger? When asked how long a man’s leg should be, he replied “Long enough to reach the ground” Your essay should contain enough words to make all the points asked in the essay. I have found that giving a word count constrains students. Focus on the points, and you will easily go past 800 words. The selected essay will be announced on March 25 and sent as an announcement no later than 1 PM on March 25.