Comprehensive Case Presentation for Pediatrics

Comprehensive Case Presentation for Pediatrics

For this assignment you will complete an iHuman child/adolescent case., Based on the iHuman assignment you will complete a full patient presentation (video/PowerPoint presentation-Please use sections below to guide you along with the rubric below). You will incorporate the diagnosing scale used with the disease process and interpret findings for other students in the course (example of scales used: Child Assessment Scales – Florida Center for Behavioral Health Improvements and Solutions ( to an external site.

Please review the rubric assessment for further guidance, however, please note this assessment you should have:

  • HPI
  • Medical/surgical and
  • Mental health history
  • Medication history- if on medications and appropriate use the AIMS scale
  • Developmental history
  • Birth history
  • Milestone assessment that is completed with children.
  • ROS
  • Exam
  • Diagnosis Scales
  • Differential diagnosis (at least two with rationale)
  • Assessment and plan
  • Therapy recommendations if needed.
  • DSM-5 criteria for diagnosis 

First, you will need to incorporate the diagnosing scale used with the disease process. For example, you might use the Child Assessment Scales from the Florida Center for Behavioral Health Improvements and Solutions ( This will help in interpreting findings for your classmates.

Next, please review the rubric assessment for further guidance. It is crucial to understand what is expected. For this assessment, you should include the following components:

  1. History of Present Illness (HPI): Start with a detailed account of the patient’s current condition.
  2. Medical/Surgical and Mental Health History: Provide a comprehensive overview of the patient’s past medical and surgical history, including any mental health concerns.
  3. Medication History: If the patient is on medications, outline their usage. You may also use the AIMS scale to assess any side effects.
  4. Developmental History: Discuss the child’s developmental milestones and any relevant delays.
  5. Birth History: Include information about the pregnancy and delivery, as this can impact health.
  6. Milestone Assessment: Complete a milestone assessment appropriate for the child’s age. APA

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