Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety

Why is naloxone added to Suboxone to treat opioid use disorders?, Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale
What is the COWS?
Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with in-text citations and corresponding references in APA format.

The COWS test measures 11 opiate withdrawal symptoms and rates each based on various criteria.

Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) Assessment

Resting Pulse Rate: Measure the resting pulse rate while the patient sits or lies down for at least one minute. This position ensures the patient is relaxed. Score the pulse as follows: if the rate is 80 or below, assign a score of 0; if it ranges from 81 to 100, give a score of 1; and if the pulse exceeds 120, assign a score of 4.

Sweating: Assess the patient for chills or visible sweating. If the patient shows no signs of sweating or chills, assign a score of 0. However, if noticeable sweat appears on their face, score it as a 4.

Restlessness: Observe the patient during the assessment. If the patient sits still, assign a score of 0. Conversely, if they cannot sit still for more than a couple of seconds, give them a score of 5.

Pupil Size: Assess pupil size in ambient lighting. If the pupils appear normal, assign a score of 0. In contrast, if the pupils appear bold and very dilated, assign a score of 5.

Gastrointestinal Upset: Evaluate the patient’s recent gastrointestinal symptoms. If the patient has experienced no GI upset in the past 30 minutes, assign a score of 0. If they have had multiple episodes of diarrhea or vomiting during that time, score it as a 5.

Bone or Joint Aches: Assess the patient for recent bone or joint pain. If the patient reports no new pain, assign a score of 0. However, if they experience extreme discomfort in their joints or bones, assign a score of 4.

Runny Nose and Tearing: Only assess for a newly runny nose or tearing. If the patient has no new symptoms, assign a score of 0. However, if they have a persistent runny nose or tears streaming down their face, score it as a 4 on the COWS scale. APA

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