Cell division; Meiosis .Meiosis; The main purpose of this type of cell division is to produce sex cells. The daughter cells from this division have half the number of chromosomes of the parent cells. At the end of the division process, a diploid parent cell ends up being a haploid daughter cell. During reproduction, two haploids from both male and female join together to form a diploid set with complete chromosomes. Meiosis involves a two-step division process-meiosis I and Meiosis II. In meiosis I, the cell undergoes four interphase stages namely prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, and telophase I. In prophase I, homologous chromosomes exchange parts during a cross-over process. This facilitates the trading of genetic material between the sister chromatids. In the second stage, metaphase I, homologous pairs of chromosomes align at the metaphase plate to facilitate separation. In the third stage, anaphase I, homologous pairs separate and move to the opposite ends of the cell. The final stage is the Telophase I stage where chromosomes move to the opposite poles of the cell and two haploid cells are formed. The process moves to meiosis II. Meiosis II follows similar stages as meiosis I but it is simpler. It is akin to the mitosis of haploid cells. The first stage is the prophase II stage where chromosomes condense and centrosomes drift apart. The second stage is the metaphase II stage where chromosomes align at the metaphase plate. The third stage is the anaphase II stage where sister chromatids drift apart to the opposite poles of the cell. In the final stage, the telophase II stage, the chromosomes are encircled by nuclear membranes and cytokinesis occurs resulting in four haploid cells. Cell division; Meiosis

Cell division; Meiosis; Advantages of meiosis; Meiosis provides a variety of offspring due to the exchange of genetic material. This brings about the diversity of the genetic composition of organisms. Meiosis leads to a genetic improvement of the offspring as compared to the parents.
Disadvantages of meiosis; It is a complex and lengthy process that consumes time and energy. APA