Imogene King’s Goal Attainment Theory

Imogene King’s Goal Attainment Theory. Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment is a nursing theory introduced in the 1960s that emphasizes the collaborative relationship between nurses and patients to achieve mutually set health goals. It is a framework for understanding the relationship between nurse, patient, and the healthcare environment.   1. The Concept of Goal […]
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Social constructivism theory of learning

Social constructivism theory of learning emphasizes how individuals construct knowledge through social interactions and experiences. It argues that knowledge develops or learning happens through social interactions and the use of language. It is thus wise to conclude that learning is a shared rather than an individual experience. As such, individuals should be encouraged to try […]
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Explain Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence

Explain Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence. Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences posits that individuals are not born with all intelligence they will ever need but develop as they grow. This theory was first featured in Howard Gardner’s book published in 1983 titled “Frames of Mind.” Howard Gardener’s theory of multiple intelligence was developed […]
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Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory that elaborates on human motivation being organized by needs. What are the categories of human needs? The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, human needs can be categorized into five needs. This includes; Physiological needs: Food, shelter, rest, water, and sexual reproduction Safety needs: Security, stability, and freedom from fear Love and […]
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