High cost of college

High cost of college; The value of higher education in the United States continues to increase over time despite the cost increases. The college tuition fee increased by a whopping 36 percent between 2008 and 2018. However, the rate of inflation only increased by 2.1 percent during the same period. Universities and colleges are funded […]
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Institute of Medicine

Institute of Medicine (IOM) or the National Academy of Medicine, as currently called, is a non-profit organization established in 1972 under Tribhuvan University. IOM was established to provide evidence-based approaches and recommendations for public health facilities. IOM is also responsible for training health care workers in all categories as needed in the United States. Since […]
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Physician-assisted-suicide (PAS) or assisted suicide is suicide that is assisted by healthcare providers. The PAS is considered a crime in many countries and legal in only a few. To qualify for assisted suicide, one requires to have a terminal illness provided it is voluntary and they are of sound mind. The assisted suicide topic has […]
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Depressive disorders

Depressive disorders are health conditions that affect an individual’s mood, thinking, behavior, and feeling. It is estimated that one in every five adults in the United States lives with a mental illness. The most common depressive disorders include anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), personality disorders, dementia, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), disruptive mood […]
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Howard Gardner’s theory

Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences posits that individuals are not born with all intelligence they will ever need but develop as they grow (Leshkovska and Spaseva, 2016). This theory was first featured in Howard Gardner’s book published in 1983 titled “Frames of Mind.” Howard Gardener’s theory of multiple intelligence was developed to challenge the […]
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negative stereotypes among African American

A stereotype refers to a mistaken belief that many people hold against a group of people based on how they look without, which may not be true. Stereotypes of African Americans that have been prevalent in the United States dates back to the slavery era and before independence. The country has also been on the […]
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Mental illness triggers

Mental illness is a broad attitudinal object that is of interest to me. Mental illness describes a wide range of mental health conditions affecting people’s moods, how they think and behave. The most common mental illnesses today include dementia, bipolar, anxiety disorders, Autism, and Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Heiberg et al., 2020 p, 442). The […]
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Needs of the Elderly

Disadvantaged groups are people in society who are at a higher risk of experiencing poverty, discrimination, and violence than the general population (Craike et al. 2018; Miller, 2018). In other words, they are vulnerable people in society. Disadvantaged groups include ethnic minorities, isolated older adults, children, and people living with disabilities (Goldman, Glei, & Weinstein, […]
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Epinephrine in Dental Application

Epinephrine in Dental Application; Dentistry is a medical field that entails the treatment of diseases and conditions affecting teeth and gums. Among the services provided in the dentistry include extraction of teeth, repair, and the insertion of artificial teeth. The American Dental Association exercise oversight on the practice of dentistry in the United States. This […]
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pathophysiology of claudication

Definition of symptom(10pts): Claudication is a health condition in which the cramping pain is felt in the lower leg after an exercise such as walking (Lane et al., 2017). Claudication is often caused by obstruction of arteries or inadequate flow of blood to the muscle tissues. The pain is felt while walking and subsides with […]
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