The Sunderland City Story

The Sunderland City Story; Imagine you are in a managerial role in a company experiencing a similar situation as Sunderland. Funding is to be cut due to the recent recession, and leadership would like to go with an OD approach. Analyze the situation at Sunderland through the OD lens to provide insight to company leadership […]
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Multidisciplinary Team Approach

Ms. Tuckerno has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS)- a condition in which the protective covering of the nerve is eaten away by the immune system. The patient has over time been receiving treatment at an internal medicine clinic. Her internist who has been taking care of her was not in the office for a […]
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Starbucks Corporation

A work-Life committee is a group of people that work to ensure that there is equilibrium between personal life, family life and professional life in an organization. In other words, the committee works to ensure efficient split of time and energy spent in various aspects of life. I have volunteered as a member of the […]
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Performance Appraisal at Telespazio

Telespazio is a space services company operating globally with headquarters based in Rome, Italy. Telespazio was founded in 1961 by Italcable and the RAI. The company is established under the National Research Council (NRC) and Posts and Communications Ministry in Italy (Profili et al., 2018). Telespazio initially ventured into providing telecommunication services utilizing artificial satellites. […]
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Dynamic Care Team Management

Dynamic Care Team Management No One Could Have Prepared Me for This Experience Sierra Mountain Hospital was well known for its stellar reputation for nursing and medical excellence, great leadership, and fantastic work environment. The new chief operating officer and her team had done wonders in totally transforming the organizational culture over the past 5 […]
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A Culture of Interprofessional Collaboration

Developing a Culture of Interprofessional Collaboration As the chief nursing officer (CNO) of a large metropolitan hospital, Jesse has established a strong reputation as a “mover and shaker” in nursing leadership circles. He is greatly admired by his colleagues who are CNOs at other hospitals in the region. For the most part, Jesse is proud […]
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Toxic Incivility at the Unit Level

Toxic Incivility at the Unit Level Toxic Incivility at the Unit Level: Jeannie Walker just accepted a job as nurse manager for the ortho-neuro unit of a large community hospital. She recently graduated with her master’s degree in nursing with an emphasis on nursing leadership in healthcare settings. Excited about the new role and opportunities […]
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