Disadvantages of the Affordable Care Act

Disadvantages of the Affordable Care Act Although the ACA has had many positive impacts on the lives of many Americans, the program has several limitations.   First, the extension of coverage to people with pre-existing health conditions has increased the amount payable as premium. Individuals who had pre-existing health conditions before obtaining the cover are […]
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Adolescent, Single Parenting, Technology & Culture

Adolescence is a stage of growth between childhood and adulthood. The World Health Organization defines adolescence as the age between 10 and 19, often referred to as a group of young people (WHO, n.d). During adolescence, individuals experience behavioral, social, emotional, and mental changes. The adolescence period poses serious challenges to youngsters in modern times. […]
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Immigration in Boston City

Immigration refers to people’s international movement to countries that they do not possess citizenship to settle in those countries as permanent citizens (Alberto, Miano, & Stantcheva, p 2). Immigration dates back to the 17th century and was used to mean people's movement between the emerging nation-states. People are called immigrants or migrants from the foreign […]
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Annotated Bibliography

AlAwlaqi, A., Amor, H., & Hammadeh, M. E. (2017). Role of hormones in hypoactive sexual desire disorder and current treatment. Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association,18(4), 210. doi: 10.4274/jtgga.2017.0071 Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is among the disorders affecting the quality of life among women. One of the common types of FSD is hyposexuality and […]
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Suicide cases in Native American Communities

Suicide refers to the act of taking one's own life voluntarily. Both complete and attempted suicides are a common phenomenon in the United States today. American Indians and Alaska Natives youths are the most affected among all the Native American youths. This paper will discuss the summary of four studies highlighting the issue of suicide […]
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SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and Control Measures

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a unique form of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted through exposure to infectious respiratory fluids. Exposure to fluids containing the infected virus is the most commonly known way through which people are infected. Exposure may be through inhalation of respiratory droplets and aerosol particles, […]
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SARS Transmission and Prevention

Olsen et al. (2003) studied the transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The authors argued that the rapid spread of SARS was significantly influenced by the fact that most of the infected persons traveled on aircraft to different destinations in the world. According to this article, the common symptoms of SARS are shortness of […]
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Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a viral disease that was first discovered in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Hundreds of millions of people had contracted this disease and over 3 million have died (Coronavirus Cases, 2021). There are various methods of transmission by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The highest modes of transmission of […]
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Renewable energy

Renewable energy; Energy refers to the power that is derived from the utilization of either physical or chemical resources. There are two common sources of energy, namely renewable energy and non- renewable energy. Renewable energy is the energy that is produced from sources that can be replenished within the lifetime of a man. Non-renewable energy […]
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American Vs Canadian HealthCare

American Vs Canadian HealthCare; The health care system refers to a combination of resources, institutions, and people to deliver health services to a target population. Different nations in the world use different health care systems depending on the resources at their disposal and the needs of their people. Although the health care systems differ greatly […]
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Workforce Diversity

Workforce Diversity; In today’s world, communication and transportation are much easier compared to last century thanks to the rapidly improving technologies. One of the results of easier communication and transportation is that there are much more job selections and opportunities because people are not limited to one place. A lot of people are willing to […]
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Bowling exercise and Benefits

Bowling exercise and Benefits Bowling is defined as targeting sport or recreational activity that is played by rolling a bowling ball on a lane towards a specific target. The goal of the player in this game is to knock over pins that are placed at the end of the lane. Depending on the type of […]
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Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was the first group to be introduced for people who have substance abuse disorders. The AA group was developed by Bill Wilson and Dr Bob Smith in the year1934 in Akron, Ohio. The two were alcoholics and developed the group after realizing that alcoholism was a disease and not a moral failing […]
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SARS Transmission and Prevention

SARS Transmission and Prevention Olsen et al. (2003) studied the transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The authors argued that the rapid spread of SARS was significantly influenced by the fact that most of the infected persons traveled on aircraft to different destinations in the world. According to this article, the common symptoms of […]
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Wegmans Food Market, Inc.

If you were an HR executive at Wegmans, would you focus more on internal recruiting or on external recruiting? Would your strategy for higher-level positions differ from your strategy for lower-level positions? How would current economic conditions influence your strategy? Wegmans Food Market, Inc. is a supermarket chain that is family owned. Its headquarters are […]
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Social Anxiety Disorder versus Autism

1.How would you differentiate social anxiety disorder from autism spectrum disorder? Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a mental health chronic condition associated with extreme fear in social settings. Individuals with social anxiety disorder have difficulty talking to other people, being in social gatherings, and fear meeting new people. This is because people with SAD fear […]
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health disorder that increases hyperactive and impulsive behaviors above their usual level. Individuals with ADHD may also have difficulty focusing their attention on a single task. Other symptoms of ADHD include fidgeting, acting without thinking, irritability, persistent repetition of words, and constant mood swings. As of 2016, […]
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Kidney Transplant

There are two common treatment options for people living with chronic kidney diseases; kidney transplant and dialysis. Many people always prefer kidney transplant to dialysis because it leads to long life. Patients who undergo kidney transplant are able to live as long as they would have lived before their kidneys failed. The transplant also frees […]
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climate change’s effect on food safety; 

climate change’s effect on food safety; Climate change in its simplest terms refers to significant and long-term changes in weather patterns experienced in a given region over a period of time (Parry, 2019). The weather changes can be a result of human activities, processes inside the earth, or outside forces. Climate change has adverse effects […]
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Perspectives of Psychology

The Psychodynamic Perspective is a school of thought stemming from the works of Sigmund Freud. This perspective believes that human behavior is influenced by childhood experiences, the unconscious mind, and interpersonal relationships. According to Freud, the human mind comprises three elements, including the superego, which manages morals, standards, and ideas (Cherry, 2019). The ego is […]
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