Leadership Development Program

Leadership development programs expand the capacity of individuals to effectively perform in leadership roles within an organization. Leadership development is a common phenomenon in succession planning, which entails producing leaders of high-calibre to take up senior leadership positions when they fall vacant. It is estimated that over $150 billion is spent on leadership development every […]
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The transtheoretical model (TTM)

The transtheoretical model (TTM) is a model that was developed in the late 1970s by Prochaska and DiClemente. The model evolved through studies examining the experiences of smokers who quit on their own with the smokers who require further treatment to understand why some people were capable of quitting on their own (Nigg et al., […]
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Abdominal Pain Differential Diagnosis

Abdominal pain is the pain stemming from the inside of the abdomen or the outer muscle wall. Abdominal pain is felt in more than half of the belly and ranges from mild, temporary, and severe. The possible causes of abdominal pain include pregnancy, urinary tract infection, inflammation of the gallbladder, ulcers, and appendicitis (Bickley, 2021). […]
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Shadow Health Assessment

Shadow Health Assessment is a course in nursing that helps students to improve their communication, documentation, and physical assessment skills (Shadow Health, 2021). Researchers believe that Shadow Health Assessment also plays a critical role in enhancing nursing students’ reflection and necessary thinking skills (Shadow Health, 2021). Reflection means the art of analyzing one’s experiences to […]
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Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis (DD) is the process used by doctors to differentiate between two or more health conditions that could be behind a person’s symptoms (Loriaux, 2017). In differential diagnosis, doctors list all the possible health conditions that could be causing the chief complaint. Doctors may then narrow down the selection using the patient’s medical history […]
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A Global Health Agenda

A global health agenda is a 10-year vision concerning the future of health (Mensah, 2016). A global health agenda involves three activities. The first thing is to assess the state of the world’s health based on scientific research and analysis. The second thing is to investigate the challenges the health sector faces and the third […]
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Community Correction and Probation

Community correction refers to the supervision of criminal offenders as opposed to confining them in correctional facilities (Yang, 2020). The community corrections supervision can either be through probation or parole. Parole is where criminal offenders are conditionally released from confinement to serve the remaining sentence in the community (Yang, 2020). A prisoner may be released […]
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Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) means the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. A chatbot is a rule-based engine meaning designed to act in a certain way. Conversational AI is focused on being able to handle unexpected variants in a conversation. The first expectation of a […]
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Intergenerational trauma among Australians

Intergenerational trauma among Australians Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are indigenous groups of people living in Australia. They are descendants of people who experienced violence, rape, substance abuse, forced relocation, slavery, and loss of land (Armstrong et al., 2017). Consequently, the indigenous groups continue to suffer the negative effects of intergenerational trauma many years after […]
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Intergenerational trauma

Intergenerational trauma or transgenerational trauma as often called, is a trauma that can be transferred from one generation to another (Menzies, 2019). This means that a generation that has experienced trauma can transfer the trauma to their children and the children pass it on to their children. Intergenerational trauma was first observed in children of […]
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The Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) System

  The Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) System are techniques used to manage data in healthcare facilities. Healthcare information systems are used to collect, store, and transmit patient’s data. They are also used to support the development of healthcare policy decisions. The electronic healthcare record (EHR) system is the HIS that is of interest to me. […]
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Death Penalty in the United States

The decision made by the Supreme Court about the judicial execution in 1972 The Supreme Court burned the judicial execution in a ruling made in 1972. This was after the court obtained evidence that the death penalty was imposed arbitrarily. The decision made by the Supreme Court in 1976 The judicial execution was upheld by […]
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Professional Nursing Practice

Professional nursing practice refers to the practice of nursing and the delivery of health care services that meet the needs of clients, the community, and society (Maurício et al., 2017). The professional nursing offers specific services and is guided by a code of ethics for practice. It is also worth noting that a professional nurse […]
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The Coca-Cola company

The Coca-Cola Company is a public American based multinational corporation. It also manufactures, retails, and markets non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. The Coca-Cola Company produces Coca-Cola which was invented by a pharmacist known as John Stith Pemberton in the year 1886 at his Pemberton Chemical Company located in Atlanta, Georgia. John Stith Pemberton later sold […]
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Lev Semynorich Vygotsky

Lev Semynorich Vygotsky is the name of a great Soviet psychologist who made a huge contribution to the field of social culture. Vygotsky was born on November 17, 1896, in Orsha, Russian Empire which is today called Belarus. He was the founder of social-cultural theory and his name is held with great awe in the […]
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Harzads of Technology

Harzads of Technology; Technology is defined as the skills, methods, techniques, and processes that are used in the production of goods and services or in the accomplishment of objectives. Technology can be dated back 2 million years ago when man invented stone tools. Technology has since then had a tremendous impact on four main areas […]
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The Nestle company

The Nestle-Coralac began operations in 1866 and has since grown to become one of the world’s leading consumer product companies. Nestle entered the Cuban market in the 1990s after signing an agreement with the Castro regime to build an ice cream factory on the island. Following the agreement, a joint venture emerged between the Nestle […]
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Cocaine use in the United States

Cocaine use in the United States; Cocaine is a highly addictive drug that ups your levels of alertness, attention, and energy. You may hear it called a stimulant. It’s made from the coca plant, which is native to South America. It’s illegal in the U.S. Cocaine is a stimulant that causes the signals between the […]
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History of substance abuse

History of substance abuse; Alcohol and tobacco use can be dated back in the American colonial era. During the pre Civil War period, the consumption of cigarettes grew to 26 per capita while the rate of consumption of alcohol grew to 2.17 gallons per capita (Stanton, 2019). History records that the Civil War had adverse […]
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Challenges of the Affordable Care Act

Challenges of the Affordable Care Act One of the challenges is the ACA is that the increasing health care coverage raises the health care cost in the short term (Blumstein, 2020). This means that APA pays a lot of money for people who ignored preventive and testing services for decades. Secondly, the number of individuals […]
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