Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster health condition that increases the risk of developing heart attack, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the National Cholesterol Education Program estimated that the prevalence of Metabolic syndrome is more than 30 percent in the United States (CDC, 2017). The syndrome is influenced by factors […]
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differences between anorexia and bulimia

After reviewing this week’s learning materials, in no less than 250 words, please address the following three prompts in your initial post. Be sure to include numbers (1, 2, 3) to organize your post. Also, in your initial post, include the word count of your answer (not including the prompts/questions) and include page numbers from the textbook. […]
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remote patient monitoring

The introduction of remote patient monitoring (RPM) technology is an example of a consumer-driven shift that I have seen in healthcare. Remote patient monitoring is a health care technology used to manage acute or chronic conditions through RPM technology (Noah et al., 2018). It enables physicians to monitor patients in their own homes, at work, […]
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Problem based learning

I agree with your findings that problem-based learning is learning where students work together through a scenario or experience to solve a problem. This approach to learning gives students the will to identify and analyze the kind of information needed to solve a problem (Joseph et al., 2016). It is true that problem-based learning enables […]
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The Self Confidence Workbook

I will review The Self Confidence Workbook: A Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt and Improving Self-Esteem by Markway Barbara and Celia Ampel. This book covers self-confidence, including the various misconceptions about self-confidence, where it comes from, and explains how individuals can attain it. The authors noted that confidence is a mysterious quality as it is the […]
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Behavioral Objectives and Teaching Plans

Chapter 10 of Bastable is predicated on Behavioral Objectives and Teaching Plans. Ten objectives are identified for this chapter. The first is that learners will be able to differentiate between goals and objectives.  This objective prepares the mind of the student to learn something new about goals and objectives. The student knows from the onset […]
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Need Assessment Process

A need assessment is a process through which organizations identify and bridge the gap between the current organization’s state and the desired state (Livergant et al., 2021). The primary goal of need assessment is to outline the processes that a team should prioritize or improve to meet its desire goal. A need assessment process helps […]
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Leadership Analysis

Northouse (2021) defined leadership as the process through which individuals influence a group of people to achieve a common goal. The author’s definition of leadership is built on three main aspects; leadership as a process, leadership involves influence, and that leadership involves common goals. Northouse believes that leadership is a process and not a trait […]
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Hidden Curriculum

A hidden curriculum encompasses all the unwritten, unofficial, and unintended lessons and perspectives that students learn in school, including norms, values, and beliefs (Li, 2019). In other words, they are the lessons that are learned, although not openly intended to be taught in schools. It is described as a hidden curriculum because it is not […]
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Applying Analytic Techniques to Business

In the last assessment, you were asked to prepare the first part of your analytics report by creating graphs and calculating some descriptive statistics. In this assessment, you will write your 6-8 page analytics report by interpreting those graphs and statistics, and explicitly connecting those interpretations to implications in the practical business context. Applying Analytic […]
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Ethically Suspect Research

In research, the term ethical concern is used to mean ethical standards that provide directions when conducting research. Although psychologists are expected to consider the ethical principles and regulations, some have deliberately ignored this requirement. This paper aims at examining whether the benefits of each study outweigh the ethical benefits and how they could have […]
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Eyes; Ears; Nose and Throat

Eyes; Ears; Nose and Throat Compare landmarks of the neck on a male versus those on a female. (I can’t find the answer to this Might it be wrongly phrased?) Which is the largest endocrine gland in the body, and what two hormones does it produce? The largest endocrine gland in the human body is […]
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African Americans’ challenges in healthcare

African Americans commonly referred to as Black Americans are an ethnic group that trace its origin from enslaved black people. The number of African Americans is approximately 48.8 million which represents 14.6% of the United States population (2018). African American population is the second least healthy ethnic group after Latinos in the United States of […]
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Disparity in USA Healthcare System

African Americans commonly referred to as Black Americans are an ethnic group that trace its origin from enslaved black people. The number of African Americans is approximately 48.8 million which represents 14.6% of the United States population (Vespa & Medina, 2018). Africa American population is the second least healthy ethnic group after Latinos in the […]
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Sterilization of convicted parents

Sterilization is a permanent form of birth control regarded as one of the most effective at preventing pregnancies. The Stop Violence Against Women organization defines sterilization as the permanent removal of one’s ability to reproduce without informed consent. Sterilization was compulsory in the United States before the eugenic laws were removed. Other options of birth […]
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Social computing and networking

Social computing is a component of computer science that is concerned with the intersection of a computer system and the social behavior. It can also refer to a computer system that supports processing, use, and distribution of information across social groups (Meiselwitz p. 24). Social computing agrees to the fact that all human beings are […]
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Hedge Fund 2008-09 Financial Crisis

Hedge fund refers to an investment fund that pools together its capital from either accredited investors or institutional investors and thereafter invests in assets that have a complicated portfolio and techniques that manage risk. Hedge funds are strictly availed to accredited investors and not offered or sold to the general public. The 2008-09 financial crisis […]
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Covenant theology

Covenant theology is a synonym for covenantism also referred to as federal theology or federalism. It provides a conceptual framework to decipher the Bible structure. The theory uses the concept of a covenant as a principle to Christian living. The concept is built on three covenants ie covenant of grace, covenant of work and covenant […]
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leadership learning plan

The main objective of this course is to help you discover your potential in leadership and develop a plan to improve your leadership skills. Therefore, the midterm exam will include an essay section that requires you to write a leadership development plan for yourself. The plan should consist of five components below: leadership learning plan […]
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Research and policy development

Research and policy development. Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper describing the importance of research as it relates to policy development within the field of criminal justice. Address each of the following: •Identify the purposes and types of policies within the field of criminal justice. •Describe the relationship between research and policy development. •Provide examples […]
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