Otitis externa

Otitis externa is a health condition that causes swelling and redness of the external canal-the tube between the eardrum and the outer ear. This condition affects between 1 and 3 percent of people per year, 95 percent of which are acute cases. About 10 percent of people develop the condition at some point in their […]
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Claudication is a health condition in which the cramping pain is felt in the lower leg following exercise. Claudication is caused by obstruction of arteries or inadequate flow of blood to the muscles. The pain is felt while walking and subsides with rest. This condition is influenced by narrowed or hardened arteries, which is associated […]
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Stress inoculation therapy (SIT)

Stress inoculation therapy (SIT) is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It intends to help patients prepare in advance to handle stressful events. SIT helps people to recognize and change incorrect and/or negative thoughts that have been influencing your behavior. This form of therapy prepares people to defend against […]
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Mahler’s Separation-Individuation Theory

Mahler’s Separation-Individuation Theory proposes that successful completion of the developmental stages in the first few years of life results in separation and individuation. Mahler describes a series of stages occurring within the first three years of life aimed at the developmental goal of Separation and Individuation. It focuses on the mother-infant interactions within the first […]
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Expressive psychotherapy

Expressive psychotherapy is an approach to therapy that uses writing, art, music, drama, or dance to manage mental health conditions such as ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, & Autism. It is also a form of treatment that uses creative activities to help those affected share and process feelings and memories that may be hard to put into […]
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Internal Family Systems Model (IFS)

The Internal Family Systems Model (IFS) is an approach to individual psychotherapy that was developed by Richard C. Schwartz in the 1980s. It combines systems thinking with the view that the mind is made up of relatively discrete subpersonalities. Each of the sub personalities have their own unique viewpoint and qualities. The sub-personalities consist of […]
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Serious emotional disorders (SED)

Serious emotional disorders (SED) mean the presence of recognizable behavioral, or emotional disorder that impair function and interferes with the child’s functioning in family, school, or community activities. SEDs affect many children and interfere with their daily lives. People with this condition have inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health […]
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Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. Epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence. However, such changes can alter how the body reads a DNA sequence. While genetic changes can alter which protein is made, epigenetic changes affect […]
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Life course theory

Life course theory is a multidisciplinary paradigm for the study of people’s lives, structural contexts, and social change. It also refers to a sequence of socially defined events and roles that the individual enacts over time. This approach encompasses ideas and observations from disciplines such as history, sociology, demography, developmental psychology, biology, and economics. Life […]
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Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM)

Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) is an innovative therapeutic approach for trauma. It is a biological model designed to teach wellness skills. The skills help clients to regulate emotional and physical states and reprocess traumatic experiences. This model also teach clients how to read the sensations connected to their distress and trauma. Through the TRM, client can […]
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