Low Vision and Blindness

Rainey, L., Elsman, E. B. M., van Nispen, R. M. A., van Leeuwen, L. M., & van Rens, G. H. M. B. (2016). Comprehending the impact of low vision on the lives of children and adolescents: a qualitative approach. Quality of Life Research, 25(10), 2633-2643. Low Vision and Blindness This article develops a model that […]
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Training Knowledge transfer to Workplaces

Training Knowledge transfer to Workplaces; This article defines training as a process through which a new set of skills and attitudes are acquired. The training programs are developed to provide individuals with instructions that are related to job tasks. Fatima and Siddiqui (2020) posited that training is needed during the orientation of new employees with […]
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Sustainability initiative proposal

Sustainability initiative proposal; Sustainability means meeting today’s needs without jeopardizing the future generation’s ability to meet their needs. Energy efficiency refers to and includes measures that are intended to cut/reduce the amount of energy consumed in hospitals without negatively affecting operations while the same time improves service delivery. Health care facilities are big consumers of […]
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social learning influence

Every culture in the world has distinct social norms and expectations. The norms are transferred through peer influence and academic achievements, to mention a few. The social learning concept places more emphasis on the social contexts in which behaviors are acquired. This paper summarizes four journal articles relating to cultural predictors of social learning influence, […]
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Mergers Verses Acquisitions

Mergers Verses Acquisitions; Joash, Gwaya Ondieki, and Mungai John Njangiru. “The effect of mergers and acquisitions on financial performance of banks (a survey of commercial banks in Kenya).” International Journal of Innovative Research and development 4.8 (2015): 101-113. http://business.ku.ac.ke/images/stories/research/effect_of_mergers.pdf Ondiek and Njangiru claim that mergers and acquisitions play a critical role in corporate finance. This […]
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Increasing Employee Motivation

Employee motivation is key to ensuring that an organization accomplishes goals within the stipulated time. Organization leaders should know that kills and experience alone are not enough to stimulate employees to perform tasks. It should also be noted that different employees are motivated by various factors. Employees working in the Libyan banking sector, for instance, […]
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