Cardinal sins are a group of sins within the Christianity teachings that directly cause other
immoralities. Cardinal sins are broadly categorized into seven, including
sloth, gluttony, envy, wrath, pride, greed, and lust. The seven are classified as cardinal sins
because they are directly opposite of the seven heavenly virtues contained in Christianity
teachings, such as hope, faith, charity, justice, temperance, courage, and prudence.
The first cardinal sin is pride. It describes the deep feeling of satisfaction stemming from
an individual’s achievements compared to those closely associated with him. Pride makes people
perceive themselves as better than others around them and goes against the Christianity
teachings that all men are equal.
Cardinal sins
The second cardinal sin is sloth. Sloth means habitual laziness or idling around. Sloth is
against the biblical teachings as inactivity in Christianity is a way of inviting sin. Additionally,
they believe that Satan is the god of sin and is always looking for idle hands to sin.
Gluttony means the intake of excess foods and drinks. Amassing too much food to oneself is considered a
sin in the biblical teachings as it leaves nothing to the needy. The fourth cardinal sin is lust. Lust
means an intense desire for something while as you already have enough at your disposal.
According to the biblical teachings, people who lust for money end up stealing, those who lust
for sex end up committing adultery, and those who lust for power kill for it.
The fifth cardinal sin is wrath. It refers to extreme anger involving when responding to a
threat or provocation. Christian teachings argue that individuals should be even-tempered and
not display anger or wrath.

The sixth cardinal sin is envy. Envy develops when an individual
cannot compare with other people’s achievements or quality. Envious people always wish that
their peers lacked what they have. This is contrary to biblical teachings, which expect people to
appreciate others’ achievements and be happy for their blessings. The last cardinal sin is greed.
Greed defines the undesired or the wild longing for material wealth, social status, or power.
Christian teachings encourage people to be fair in all their dealings and not be greedy. Additionally, greed is associated with conflicts of interest.