Bowling exercise and Benefits

Bowling is defined as targeting sport or recreational activity that is played by rolling a
bowling ball on a lane towards a specific target. The goal of the player in this game is to
knock over pins that are placed at the end of the lane. Depending on the type of game being
played, the player is given only two and two or three balls to knock down all the pins.
Bowling at pins dates back in 5200 BC in ancient Egypt. In Germany, it is believed to have
stemmed from a religious ceremony practice in 400 AD. Martin Luther is settled that the
ideal number of pins during the bowl game should be nine and had one built next t his home
for his children and at times he rolled the ball himself. From Germany, the bowl game moved
through Europe, the Scandinavian countries, and then entered America. The first bowling at
pins in America was built in "Rip Van Winkle" by Washington Irving in the year 1818 or
thereabout (Haspel 389). Although the game was the same, the rules of the game were
different in almost every country from the country of origin. In The United States, for
instance, it is still a mystery when and why the extra pin was added in the game to the current
ten pins. Bowling, however, was not popular until the mid-19th century when the big cities in
Germany broke into an indoor lanes building spree. More than 67 million people in the
United States bowl during a year and more than 1.3 million people regularly compete in
leagues certified by the United States Bowling Congress *Taylor & Francis 1). In this paper, I will write about my bowling experience in terms of how it benefited me physically as well
as how it could benefit me if I continue to play bowl games regularly. Bowling exercise and Benefits

To speak the truth, when I began the bowling training at the start of the semester, I
had a difficult time understanding what it all about bowling. As a matter f fact, things were
different from what I earlier thought bowling was. For example, I had no idea that bowling
game just like all other games has rules that must be followed by the players. I also thought
that the game requires special skills to play until I began training. During my first day of
training, I was keen enough to learn several things. First, I observed that the bowling lanes
are built with a special type of wood onto which protective lubricating oil is applied in
patterns depending on the ball characteristics. Second, I noted that the game is not just about
rolling the ball but involves aiming carefully at the pins. Third, I noted that there are special
light-effects installed around the bowling lanes. The fourth and probably the most important
thing that I also learned from my trainer is that bowling is not only fun to play but also has a
lot of benefits. Bowling exercise and Benefits;
Due to my limited exposure to bowling, I spent almost the entire first week trying to
understand the basic rules of the game and a few things that happen in the bowling buildings.
One of the basic rules is that whoever is up first for the game automatically becomes the first
bowler. There is room, however, for the bowlers to negotiate on who bowls the ball first.
Second, all the players should always be ready to play and avoid unnecessary delays. Third,
regardless of whether other bowlers are your teammates or opponents, you need to show
respect at all times. Fourth is that bowlers should always ensure the safety of other bowlers as
well as endeavour to create healthy relationships with them. Fifth, the bowlers should agree
on which ball to you before the game. This is one of the ways that players can show respect
to one another. Sixth, bowlers should always compete in a friendly way. Last but not least, it
is a must for all players to observe a standard of cleanliness and neatness during the game. Bowling exercise and Benefits;

Interestingly, in the week I also learned that knocking down all the pins with one bowl
is called a strike and knocking all the pins with two balls is called a spare. During my second
week in the training, I struggled to understand how to control the bowl. Consequently, I often
fund myself out of balance. I almost quit the classes but my trainer kept on encouraged me to
keep on as it would get better with time. By the end of the second week, I was doing
tremendously well as my trainer recounted. My trainer, a 6 feet tall man in his early 40s
happened to be the greatest bowl game player I have met in my life. He is unbeatable and
always knocks down all the pins with the first ball. His trick is simple; he pulls the bowl first
backward, then forward before taking steps to the foul line without even staggering for a
moment. The way he does it, one would be tempted to think that he was born with a bowling
ball in his hand. As he repeatedly said, practice does not only make perfect but also makes
one a bowling star. I have learned from him that to manage balance, the arms, legs, and torso
must all move in harmony.

Bowling exercise and Benefits
Bowling exercise and Benefits

Physical benefits of bowling
I can say without fear of contradiction that bowling exercise strengthened my
muscles. The bowling ball on average weighs around 6.35 kilograms. This means that rolling
the ball down the 60 feet long lane requires both energy and precision. During a normal
three-series game, I noted that I rolled the ball for at least 54 times. This helped greatly in
strengthening my muscles. To play effectively, the trainer often emphasized the need to
perform exercises such as stretching, swimming, and running. Within the few weeks of
repeatedly bowling, I noted a significant change and my muscles were more strengthened.
Bowling strengthened muscles in my fingers, wrist, shoulders, chest, arms, and legs (Mirbod
& Haruo 4). Strengthened muscles, in turn, helped reduce the risk of injury during play
sessions, improved my confidence during games, and enabled me to do other activities with
ease. Bowling exercise and Benefits;

A series of bowling exercises helped me to improve flexibility and balance.
Flexibility is defined as an individual's ability to adjust to changes without being stressed.
Balance is the ability to remain in an upright position. The process of rolling the bowling ball
requires one to be both flexible and be balanced. During my first sessions, my level of
flexibility and balance was low and for this reason, I felt a lot of pain after games and also
sustained serious injuries. Every single time I rolled the ball, I could feel the body, joints, and
muscles stretch. After the few weeks of bowling exercise, I no longer felt pain and the stretch
meaning I was more flexible than I was. The workouts sessions before and after bowling
games also contributed to my flexibility. Improved flexibility and balance helped me perform
deep movements with ease. Order your essay on Bowling
Through bowling exercises, my hand-eye coordination improved. The distance
between the foul line and the pins is approximately 60 feet. This means that one requires
good coordination to be able to knock down the pins. Amazingly, my hand-eye coordination
improved from extremely poor to a substantial level after some days of practice. Improved
hand-eye coordination enabled me to track the movement of my hand naturally when rolling
the ball. This concentration also helped stimulate my mind.
If I continue with the bowling exercise, I can further enjoy social, health, and mental benefits.
Health benefits of bowling
The best way ever to burn calories is by playing a bowling game. During bowl games,
players walk approximately a distance of around 60 feet per turn. When this is interpreted, it
means that in every game, the players walk the distance several times carrying a load of 6.35
kilograms each time. More to it, the players can walk half a mile distance each when playing
a standard 3-game series. Studies have revealed that a normal bowling exercise burns
between 175 and 300 calories. The constant movement f players also help players to exercise their legs. The playing of a bowl game, therefore, can help me to control my weight due to
burned calories and this minimizes my chances of developing obesity. Studies have also
shown that an adult who weighs about 100 kilograms but plays a bowl game for only one
hour can burn up to 275 calories (Mayo Clinic para 2). This translated means that if I
continue bowling consistently, I can burn all the calories in my body. When all the calories in
my body are burned, the speed of metabolism will increase. Similarly, lifting and swinging of
the bowling ball down the lane can help me reduce the risk of heart diseases. Regular
bowling may also reduce my chances of developing colon and lung cancer, stroke and
diabetes. Research shows that bowling can also increase the density of my bones (WebMD
para 2). Increased bone density means that I will have improved blood circulation, minimal
level of cholesterol and normal blood pressure. Read more
Social benefits of bowling
Bowling leagues attract people from all walks of life. In the United States, bowling
gathers approximately 2 million bowlers in a week. This means that bowling is a game that
promotes social interactions. Human beings are social beings and so interact voluntarily or
involuntary. If I continue bowling, therefore, I will be in a position to interact with other
bowlers and spend time with them. This will ensure that my social circle is widened and
through it, I can be able to reduce stress and depression. Research has also shown that social
relationships can help strengthen heart muscles which, in turn, increase longevity (Schnall
Mental benefits of bowling
During bowling exercises, the body releases chemicals that make the individual feel
relaxed and also improves mood. Prolonged bowling exercises and games, therefore, can help me to improve my mental condition at any given time. This means that I will always be in a
better position to deal with stress and depression among other mental risks.
In conclusion, bowling is a sport that is played by rolling a bowling ball on a lane
towards a specific target. The first-ever bowling at pins in America was built in "Rip Van
Winkle" by Washington Irving around the year 1818. Approximately more than 67 million
people play a bowl game in the United States within a year. I started my classes on bowling
games this semester and had a lot of challenges during the first week. During the first week,
however, I learned that bowling lanes are built with wood for which protective lubricating oil
is applied, the game has rules, there are special light-effects installed around the bowling
lanes, and bowling is not only fun to play but also has a lot of benefits. Among the basic rules
of the game is that whoever is up first for the game automatically becomes the first bowler,
all the players should avoid unnecessary delays, and bowlers should always show respect to
their colleagues. Bowl game playing added me physical benefits. The benefits include
strengthened my muscles, helped me improve flexibility and balance, and improved my hand-
eye coordination. If I continue playing the bowl, I stand a better chance of benefiting further.
The potential benefits can be categorized into social, health, and mental benefits. Socially, I
will have an opportunity to meet and interact with other bowlers from all walks of life.
Healthwise, I will be able to burn calories and prevent the development of serious conditions.
Mentally, playing the game will help me feel relaxed and improve my mood. Bowling exercise and Benefits;


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