Behavioral principles run through many political ads. Yes conditioning effectively influences our attraction and preferences to a variety of things, especially in politics; points I will make introducing associative learning during lecture. Use the web (hint: youtube) to locate 2 contemporary (no older than 8 months) political ads in which elements of classical (frequently called associative learning). Provide a link to the political ad you are using. Behaviorism-Associative Learning in Political Advertising
Remember, you must provide a link to the political ads you are describing and they should not be more than 8 months old! A perfect score on this essay will integrate content and concept, that is, identify the learning concepts (e.g., neutral stimuli in ads vs those that elicit emotions), fully explain your ad.
Here are some hints: emotion eliciting stimuli coupled with neutral ones….most effective in associative learning in relatively short ads. Longer ads have them but they are embedded. Avoid the obvious intellectual appeal, that’s not what makes these ads effective…. Review your notes from our class discussion and any additional material you may uncover regarding application..

REM: Requirements for this assignment….
1) Find and list 2 political ads (again, Youtube…..)
2) Explain your ads and how they demonstrate behaviorism concepts described….
Have fun! I look forward to interesting ads! Remember! This could be the midterm!
One of the 4 essays will be randomly selected and a special midterm thread published in Discussion Board. The selected essay will be announced on March 25 and sent as an announcement no later than 1 PM on March 25.
You will have between 5 and 7 PM, March 25 to publish your midterm into the special thread. If you have any questions or issues please reach out to me. APA style