Beauty therapy refers to applying and using a wide range of treatment and cosmetic
techniques on an individual by trained beauticians. Beauty therapists are pundits in the area of
facial and body care and knowledgeable in the area of skin biology and cosmetics chemistry. The
most common beauty therapists’ most common services include manicure, pedicure, facials, hair
removal, brow treatments, and make-up. Although many people think of beauty therapy as a
modern practice, archeological evidence shows that it dates back to 4000 BC during the ancient
Greek and Egyptian civilization (Cellania, 2014). The information available claims that skin
creams and oil treatment were a common practice during the era. Surprisingly, beauty therapy
was not reserved for women alone; it was practiced by men as well. Even though the beauty
therapy practices took off earlier, the industry became prominent in the 20 th century (Cellania,
The ancient Egyptians applied mesdement, a mix of copper and lead ore, around their
eyes. On their lower eyelids, they did green shades. They also applied black and dark grey
makeover to their lower eyelids and lashes. Moreover, they added what was called kohl to
complete the ornate look around their eyes. Kohl was a dark-colored powder made of ingredients
such as burnt almonds, copper ores, oxidized copper, Lead, and ash (Cellania, 2014). Kohl was
believed to have numerous medical benefits for users. The ancient Egyptians preferred dark
colors because they could ward off “evil eyes” (Cellania, 2014). The ancient Egyptian women
applied a mixture of clay and water on their lips and cheeks. They also applied henna to their
nails and used a special type of soap made from vegetables, animal oils, and perfumes (Cellania,
2014). The primary reason why women wore make-up was to please gods as women believed
that their appearance has a direct relationship with their spiritual worth (Cellania, 2014).

Bromine lipstick
The history of lipstick dates back to the time of Cleopatra VII, the last pharaoh to reign in
ancient Egypt between 51 and 30 B.C. Women in ancient Mesopotamia about 3,000 B.C used
red clay, rust, henna, and Bromine Mannite to paint their lips. Bromine Mannite is obtained from
polyalcohol mannitol found in plants. The ancient Egyptians used bromine Mannite, which is a
rich brown, to color their lips. However, bromine Mannite was highly toxic as it could quickly
kill the women who applied it and men who kissed them. Abu al-Quasim al-Zahrwai is credited
with the invention of the first modern lipstick about A.D. 900. However, lipstick popularity
began to die among elite class people to the point that it was regarded as a thing for prostitutes
and lower-class women. It is worth noting that lipstick went through the most significant trouble
to get to its current state among all cosmetic products. Use APA guidelines