Food Desert

Many individuals have been to a corner market in a city and noticed soggy lettuce, a moldy cucumber or other far from fresh produce being offered to that community in that specific area. Until now, many may not have known that this is what is referred to as a Food Desert. Why is it that […]
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Willingness to Pay

Read and consider the “Willingness to Pay” example in Section 7-1 (Chapter 7 Section 1).  Everyone shops for things they need for themselves and for gifts for others. Your old car just died and it’s not worth anything. But the local Toyota dealership has a sale on the new Corolla Hybrid that gets 45 MPG […]
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Digital Dating Platforms

Technology has impacted social interactions in many ways. Driven by a solutionist approach and supported by the available means to develop digital structures, engineers seek solutions to mitigate or enhance many different aspects of the social life of individuals. With the economical and digital inter-connection happening worldwide, individuals and societies are collectively impacted by the […]
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Making Sense of Change Management

Individual change is at the heart of everything that is achieved in organizations. Once individuals have the motivation to do something different, the whole world can begin to change. The conspiracy laws in the UK recognize this capacity for big change to start small. In some legal cases, the merest nod or a wink between […]
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Legal and ethical issues

Evan is a psychiatric nurse working on an inpatient floor in a general community hospital. Mr. Girardi has been in a car accident, which has landed both him and his daughter in critical care. Because of Mr. Girardi’s extensive injuries, his physicians prescribe that he be put on light sedatives that do not induce coma […]
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Belladonna the remedy

Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) is a poisonous plant that has been used as a medicine since ancient times. It is named “Belladonna” for the “beautiful women” of Renaissance Italy, who took it to enlarge their pupils, which they found more alluring. Belladonna the remedy But it also goes by a more sinister name — deadly nightshade […]
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American Factory Movie

In 2008, a General Motors automobile factory in Dayton, Ohio was shut down—another victim of the cratering economy. Among the witnesses to its final hours were documentarians Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert, who not only filmed outside of the plant and interviewed a number of the now-displaced workers buy also supplied some of those employees with tiny camcorders […]
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Psychology Perspectives

The American Psychological Association defines psychology as the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Psychology is a wide discipline that acts as an umbrella for many other subfields such as human development, cognitive processes, and social behavior. Psychology dates back to the Ancient Greeks, that is, in 1879 when Wilhelm Wundt launched the first […]
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Styles of Conflict Resolution

Conflict is defined as a serious disagreement or argument that lasts longer than necessary. Conflicts result from individuals or groups with different beliefs, attitudes, opinions, or needs. Although people view conflict as harmful and damaging, it is sometimes inevitable as it has both advantages and disadvantages. This paper will discuss my preferred styles of dealing […]
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Self-Determination Theory

1. What did the authors expect based on chosen theory? According to this article, self-determination theory argues that a behavior change is likely to occur and persist if it is motivated by autonomy. The article titled motivational predictors of weight loss and weight loss maintenance by William et al. (1996) tested the self-development theory with […]
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