Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle

The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle or Deming Cycle is an integrated improvement model was first introduced to Dr. Deis a quality improvement model that was introduced to introduced to Dr. Deming by his mentor, Walter Shewhart. The PDSA involves four phases of implementing change and assessing its impact. The first phase is plan, which involves the […]
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Neuman Systems Model

The Neuman Systems Model was developed by Betty Neuman, a nursing theorist, educator, and consultant in 1972. The model has since undergone revisions and refinements. Neuman Systems Model views individuals as dynamic systems in interaction with their environments. The framework also emphasizes the importance of maintaining optimal wellness and stability in the face of stressors […]
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AACN 2021 DNP Domains

Knowledge for Nursing Practice is the first DNP domain, which equip healthcare professionals with foundational knowledge to enable them to provide high-quality and safe care to patients. Person-Centered Care is the second domain and focuses on meeting the unique needs of patients based on their preferences and values. Providers who meet this domain engage patients […]
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DNP practice immersion

A practice immersion is a hands-on learning approach where students immerse themselves in a particular field or profession to gain practical experience, deepen their understanding, and develop expertise. A DNP practice immersion allow students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings usually under the supervision of experienced practitioners. The practicum experience is also useful for enabling […]
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The National Patient Safety Goals

The National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) are guidelines that were established by The Joint Commission to address specific areas of concern regarding patient safety and promote improvements in healthcare quality. The Joint Commision is an independent, nonprofit organization that accredits and certifies healthcare organizations and programs in the United States. The NPSG guidelines cover a […]
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Systems thinking

Systems thinking is an approach that views healthcare as a system involving various interdependent components rather than rather than focusing solely on individual components or problems in isolation. It provides a holistic approach to improving healthcare delivery by considering the system as a whole rather than focusing narrowly on individual components. The various components in […]
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Mintzberg’s essential managerial tasks

Henry Mintzberg, best known for his work The Nature of Managerial Work published in 1973 argued that there are ten essential managerial tasks, categorized into three; interpersonal, informational, and decisional roles. The interpersonal category features tasks such as a figurehead, leader, and liaison. Figurehead, states that managers are expected to serve as symbolic leaders and […]
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Artificial intelligence in health informatics

Health informatics refers to the use of technology to acquire, store, retrieve, and utilize healthcare information. It is also the use of computer structures to improve communication and manage medical information. The primary goal of health informatics is to enhance patient care, improve outcomes, and optimize healthcare operations. Healthacre facilities use informatics to leverage on […]
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A just culture

A just culture is a healthcare concept arguing that mistakes are a product of faulty organizational cultures, rather than solely brought about by the person directly involved. This model is used in organizations where human error can have significant consequences such as healthcare and aviation. After a mistake, organizations using this model ask the question […]
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A terminal illness 

A terminal illness is a serious health condition which cannot be cured and may likely to lead to death. People who are terminally ill may have a single illness or a number of different conditions. The most common terminal illnesses include advanced cancer, dementia (including Alzheimer’s), motor neurone disease (MND), lung disease, neurological diseases, like Parkinson’s and […]
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