Beauty Therapy 

Beauty therapy refers to applying and using a wide range of treatment and cosmetic techniques on an individual by trained beauticians. Beauty therapists are pundits in the area of facial and body care and knowledgeable in the area of skin biology and cosmetics chemistry. The most common beauty therapists’ most common services include manicure, pedicure, […]
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Tax Compensation and Retirement

A compensation plan refers to a complete package that outlines the details of employee’s wages, benefits, salaries, and terms of payment. During a formal employment period, employees receive incentives and monetary compensations in form of wages and salaries. Retirement or pension as commonly referred to in the United States means benefits to employees by their […]
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Cruelty-Free Consumer Cosmetics

Alaouir, Taima, Robin Gustavsson, and Nathalie Schmidt. "Factors Driving Purchase Intention for Cruelty-free Cosmetics: A study of female millennials in Jönköping, Sweden." (2019). Consumers of beauty products today consider different ethical factors before making purchase decisions. Former studies have revealed that ethical consumption of beauty products positively impacts consumers’ health-being, increased satisfaction, and cost […]
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Mystery Road

From a list of nine television series provided, I chose Mystery Road, starring Aaron Pedersen, 2019. The Mystery Road is a popular television series premiered on June 3, 2019. It aired on ABC TV, an Australian based television network. Aaron Pedersen alias Jay Swan is the protagonist in this television series. Notes about the first […]
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Mortality by Christopher Hitchens

Mortality, in its simplest definition, means the state of being mortal or destined to die. Heart disease and cancer are the leading cause of mortality in the United States for more than a decade. The two conditions claim about 46 percent of all deaths in the country. This paper looks at mortality, as seen by […]
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Health Care Coverage

Universal health coverage means providing access to quality health care services to all people without exposing them to financial hardships. According to the World Health Organization, universal health care coverage means a situation where all individuals and communities in a county receive quality health services without exposing them to financial hardships (WHO, 2020). Some of […]
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High costs of college

The value of higher education in the United States continues to increase over time despite the cost increases. The college tuition fee increased by a whopping 36 percent between 2008 and 2018. However, the rate of inflation only increased by 2.1 percent during the same period. Universities and colleges are funded by three sources, including […]
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Women Veteran’s Healthcare Program

A veteran woman means any female who was involved in military operations, air service or naval and was separated from her service by any other condition other than dishonorable (Bevans and Clayton, 2019). In the United States, women have been playing an active role in the military for over two hundred years. As of today, […]
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Clinical Practice Issues

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) define clinical practice as nurses’ ability to perform safe and effective nursing practices using professional values, skills, knowledge, and attitudes. It may also mean a range of roles, responsibilities, activities, and functions that are within the scope of practice of registered nurses in health facilities. There are different issues […]
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Special education

Special education means the practice of educating students with disability in a manner that helps overcome their special needs. Special education may also mean interventions that help eliminate the obstacles that keep students with disability from learning. The primary aim of special education is to ensure that students with disability are given the necessary support […]
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