Artificial intelligence (AI) means the simulation of human intelligence in machines that
are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. A chatbot is a rule-based engine
meaning designed to act in a certain way. Conversational AI is focused on being able to handle
unexpected variants in a conversation. The first expectation of a digital employee is to make a
meaningful action, solve a real problem, and provide value. To get started in any business, the
digital employee is expected to make understandable statements. It also expected to do
something actual rather than being an FAQ engine. Artificial intelligence;

Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence

Conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Organizations need a smart enough solution to keep up with customers, scale up demand,
and resolve real issues. An excellent example of AI in healthcare is Amelia, a virtual customer
care assistant with conversational intelligence to understand even the most complex issues and
take action. Amelia understands both the contexts and individual pieces of information necessary
to fulfil each request. AI is important in healthcare because human beings do not always follow
scripts. In other words, they change their minds easily, give incomplete information, and don’t
always do things in a consistent order. Content switching is where an individual changes his mind in the middle of their request. Although it is difficult for human beings to plan for it, virtual customer care assistant Amelia can
understand requests even when they do not occur where they should engage in a conversation.
Additionally, Amelia remembers the customer’s last request and prompts them to continue.
Unlike human beings, Amelia is available 24/7 across all channels the customers may want to
reach her. Artificial intelligence; Read more 

Advances in conversational AI and related technologies are focusing on how chronic pain
management can be made more effective (Vincent and John, 2018). This is because chronic pain
is one of the most underreported areas of modern healthcare. Other than the patients suffering
from it, chronic pain impacts providers, caregivers, and insurance firms, among other health
sectors. In 2010, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) contracted with the Institute of Medicine
(IOM) to undertake a study and make recommendations on how to increase recognition of pain
as a significant public health problem in the United States (Vincent and John, 2018). The IOM
report in 2011 called for transformation in pain prevention, care education and research. It also
recommended the development of a comprehensive health-level strategy to address the issues.
Software such as EMR and hardware such as multi-modal multi-channel telecommunications
have significantly improved care outcomes (Vincent and John, 2018). This is because they
enhance the availability of data and communication with both patients and providers. Artificial intelligence;

The health care industry should begin to embrace a new digital and Human capital
approach where multi-discipline teams collaborate to deliver more efficient, better quality, and a
better experience for all (Champeaux, 2017). Healthcare lags behind other industries regarding
the adoption of digital technology. This is one reason why its attempt to cope with the demand
increases pressure on the human workforce, leading to burnouts (Champeaux, 2017). This result
in a shortage of primary care workforce in many health care systems. Other industries such as
banking, airline, and customer experience have faced workforce shortages by embracing digital-
enabled innovations (Champeaux, 2017). The most effective way to solve workforce shortages
burnouts in healthcare is to mobilize digital labor (Champeaux, 2017). Artificial intelligence;

AI is used to improve patient health by reducing chronic pain and minimizing the rate of
burnout among providers (Panch, Szolovits, & Atun, 2018). AI could be used to educate and improve the health of my community in several ways. Firstly, the use of digital employees such
as Amelia ensures that customers get feedback on any health condition and at any time. It further
recommends the possible treatment options and the health care facilities offering the same
services near them. Moreover, AI enlightens customers on conditions and estimates costs for
treating them. Additionally, AI is used to reduce the workloads for providers, which is the
leading cause of burnout and turnover. Health care providers should indeed pursue conversational AI Employees when providing healthcare or educating the community (Meiliana, Dewi, & Wijaya, 2019). This is because the
conversational AI employee can answer all forms of questions without necessarily getting tired.
Additionally, it understands even the most complex issues and takes actions (Meiliana, Dewi, &
Wijaya, 2019).

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