Basic research is the research conducted with the aim of expanding the level of knowledge and understanding of fundamental principles. It does not seek to profer immediate solutions to problems not is it for immediate practical applications. The aim of basic research is to gain new information, develop theories, and concepts that can contribute to the broader body of scientific knowledge. Applied research builds on the findings of basic research and seeks to solve specific-practical problems or address certain real-world challenges. It is the type of research conducted with outcome in mind. Applied research focuses on providing solutions to specific issues. The outcome of this type of research is development of new technologies, processes, or interventions. Examples of applied research include investigating newer ways to improve agricultural crop production and how technology can help car tires last longer. Applied Vs basic research

The first difference between basic research and applied research is that the former aims to expand the knowledge while the latter seeks to solve specific problems. Also, basic research is long-term in nature so that it’s applocations are in future years. Applied research is for immediate application and helps to produce practical solutions. The third difference is that the scope of basic research is broad and applies various concepts to gain more knowledge. Conversely, the scope of applied research is narrow and focuses on specific information to address a certain problem.
Basic research plays an important role as it helps to info rmation that can help society prepare for the future. It also helps individuals to gain knowledge for medical advances. Moreover, it provides a foundation for applied research. Applied research plays a pivotal role in helping researchers design new products and services. Additionally, it provides unbiased data through the testing of verifiable evidence.