American Nursing Association code of ethics

American Nursing Association code of ethics

The American Nursing Association (ANA) code of ethics outlines the ethical obligations
and duties of all individuals entering the nursing profession. The ANA Code of
ethics requires that nurses adhere to accountability, autonomy, veracity, beneficence, fidelity,
and nonmaleficence principles of ethics. The ANA code of ethics has a
significant impact on the current and emerging nursing practice. This is because it serves as the
nursing profession’s non-negotiable ethical standard and reminds nurses of their commitment to

Highlight the ANA code of ethics

An ethical dilemma in nursing is a situation where health care providers need to choose
from two or more morally acceptable options. One of the ethical dilemmas that I faced during
my role as an RN is trading between telling the truth to a patient about their diagnosis and being
deceptive. The patient’s family requested that the patient not be told the truth about their medical
condition or diagnosis. This was a serious dilemma because the ANA code of ethics requires me
as an RN to consider the patient’s right to know. The ethical dilemma involved
ethical principles such as beneficence and veracity.

I resolved the ethical dilemma. I followed the ANA code of ethics.

For instance, the principle of beneficence guides me. It requires me to act in the patient’s best interest.

Additionally, the principle of veracity is important. It requires me to be truthful and respect all persons. Therefore, I told the patient the truth about their diagnosis.

My responsibilities for an ethical care environment include several aspects. h.

A nursing philosophy is crucial. It outlines the ethics, values, beliefs, and motivations of a nurse. It considers training, education, career goals, and approaches to patient care.

This philosophy acts as a framework. It guides how nurses interact with patients and families., It also shapes how they contribute to the healthcare system.

To begin with, my nursing philosophy is clear. Every patient deserves dignity and respect. This applies regardless of age, gender, economic status, or ethnic background.

Moreover, I believe effective nurses play a vital role. They provide holistic care. They engage in advocacy activities. APA

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