Addressing Privacy and Ethical Responsibilities
How do cultural ethical and legal issues affect the DNP leader?.
Communication barrier is one of the cultural issues that significantly affect a DNP nurse
leader (Lyman et al., 2022). This is because a DNP nurse interacts with colleagues from different
ethnic backgrounds. Also, DNP leaders have a responsibility to ensure that their juniors are
competent to serve a diverse patient population and that they provide care that respects the rights
and values of clients (Nair & Adetayo, 2019). There are also various ethical issues that affect the
DNP leader, and this includes respecting patient autonomy, involving patients in making
decisions regarding their care and maintaining patient confidentiality (Nair & Adetayo, 2019).
The legal issues that the DNP leaders face in executing their mandate include ensuring that
Addressing Privacy and Ethical Responsibilities
healthcare professionals observe the privacy of patient health information as outlined by the
HIPAA privacy rule (Nair & Adetayo, 2019). Similarly, the DNP leader has a legal obligation to
ensure that professionals practice only within their scope of practice (Lyman et al., 2022).
lass=”yoast-text-mark” />>As a doctorally prepared leader, how do you intend to address these topics with your co-
workers and the other leaders that you will be working with?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>I intend to address cultural issues by recruiting a diverse team of professionals so that
they meet the unique needs of clients. Also, I intend to foster inclusivity and diversity in the
workplace, which can help to manage biases in the teams.
<h4>Addressing Privacy and Ethical Responsibilities
I intend to address ethical issues by.
familiarizing healthcare professionals working under me with the principles of ethi
cs that they
should consider when handling clients. For instance, observing patient autonomy implies
respecting the patient's rights to make healthcare decisions. Also, principles such as informed
consent, respect, beneficence, and justice. I intend to address legal issues by first ensuring that all
practitioners have the requisite licenses and certifications. Also, ensure that providers are well
versed with the federal, state, and regulations for practice. Moreover, I intend to subject my
juniors to rigorous training that minimizes risks of errors and malpractice.
What is your responsibility in making sure you have policies and procedures in place to
address them? APA