A global health agenda is a 10-year vision concerning the future of health (Mensah,
2016). A global health agenda involves three activities. The first thing is to assess the state of the
world’s health based on scientific research and analysis. The second thing is to investigate the
challenges the health sector faces and the third identification of gaps that must be addressed
together (Mensah, 2016). This paper aims to mention the opportunities, describe how the
application of multiculturalism and diversity practices can impact the organization I work with,
and summarize the things learned.  Read more

A Global Health Agenda
A Global Health Agenda

The development of an interdisciplinary approach may have the following opportunities.
The first opportunity is the management of interdependence and globalization. The second
opportunity is the existence of inadequate health facilities as a result of global crisis. The third
and last opportunity addresses the health care inequalities between different countries through
the enactment of policies Global Health Security Agenda (2017).
The application of multiculturalism and diversity practices and policies can impact the
organization I work for in several ways. Firstly, it can help the organization to access more
creative and innovative advanced practice nurses (Pacquiao, 2018). This can, in turn, help deliver
services in a more efficient way to patients and clients. Secondly, it can help increase the level of
patient satisfaction in the organization as it promotes provider-patient interaction (Pacquiao,
2018). Thirdly, it can help an organization deliver quality services to patients as providers can
learn about patients’; cultures (Pacquiao, 2018).
The role of an advanced practice nurse can influence the WHO global health agenda in
several ways. Firstly, through the course, I have learned how to provide diagnosis, treatment, and continuous patient management. Secondly, I have learned to provide evidence-based care to
patients and clients. Thirdly, I have learned to develop healthy relationships with patients and

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