A Battle of Deviance: Session 2 Program Transcript [INDISTINCT VOICES]. FEMALE SPEAKER: I want to go back to something that Jeffrey said at our last meeting. We were talking about pornography. And Jeffrey, you said you use pornography often. JEFFREY: Yeah. So what? FEMALE SPEAKER: Well, the question I want to ask the group is whether you think the use of pornography contributes to any of the illegal behavior that’s gotten you in trouble.
JEFFREY: All of my friends do it. Besides, if it’s so bad, why is it so easily
available? How about that?
FEMALE SPEAKER: Drugs are available, too, but that doesn’t make it OK to do
them, does it?

JEFFREY: Whatever. I don’t think porn’s got anything to do with me getting
ALAN: What do you do when you watch that stuff?
JEFFREY: None of your business.
ALAN: You masturbate, right? Yeah, and you get arrested for masturbating in
public. You don’t see a connection? They call it acting out.
JEFFREY: What are you, some kind of expert?
ALAN: I told you, I used to be a cop. I’ve seen and heard it all.
JEFFREY: Want to see my fist in your face?
FEMALE SPEAKER: OK, let’s calm down. No one makes any threats here or I’ll
ask you to leave. John, you look like you have something to say.
JOHN: Yes. I want to ask Jeffrey. Do you have any girlfriends? Do you date at
JEFFREY: Not much. I could, but I’m always too busy. Why do you care?
A Battle of Deviance: Session 2
© 2017-2021 Walden University, LLC 2
JOHN: I’m just wondering if you using pornography might have something to do
with that. I mean, maybe it could make it more difficult to have relationships,
intimate ones.
FEMALE SPEAKER: I think that’s a valid insight, John, worth considering.
JEFFREY: I think it’s a joke.
FEMALE SPEAKER: Maybe not. Think about this. Say you’re home watching
pornography. Maybe you do it for an hour, maybe even a couple hours. That’s
time stolen from other things you could be doing.
JOHN: Like working, having a girlfriend.
FEMALE SPEAKER: Exactly. And there’s research that shows that over time,
pornography can even interfere with your ability to be sexually aroused without it.
Have you ever experienced anything like that, Jeffrey?
JEFFREY: I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.
MICHAEL: Leave the kid alone.
ALAN: You would be the one to defend him, the man with child porn on his
MICHAEL: I’m not proud of it. But I agree with Jeffrey that everybody looks at it.
Besides, once you start it’s hard to stop, like smoking cigarettes.
FEMALE SPEAKER: The police said they found a lot of child pornography
images on your computer, Michael. Why was it hard for you to stop?
MICHAEL: I really don’t know. I used to ask myself that all the time. I just kept
looking for different and more exciting images. It was never ending.
ALAN: And what did you do when you looked at the pictures?
MICHAEL: I just looked. Why am I being treated like a criminal about this? I didn’t
hurt the kids in those pictures.
ALAN: You masturbated, didn’t you? Like Jeffrey here. That’s how it works. I
arrested a lot of guys like you over the years. And you may not have hurt the kids
in those pictures directly, but guys like you are the reason they’re exploited. You
don’t think that’s hurting them? You deserve to be locked up for good.
FEMALE SPEAKER: That’s enough, Alan. That kind of aggression isn’t OK here.
A Battle of Deviance: Session 2
© 2017-2021 Walden University, LLC 3
MICHAEL: OK. OK. It’s true. Is that what you all want to hear? I looked at the
pictures and I masturbated, and I couldn’t get enough of it. It made me want to
keep finding new pictures and do it more and more. It was the only kind of sex I
ever wanted.
A Battle of Deviance: Session 2
Additional Content Attribution
ACFG3A-014_Fixed (Therapist) TC: 15:43:35:23
Credit: Laureate Education, Inc.
ACFG3A-020_Fixed (MS – Alan Speaks) TC: 16:33:05:11
Credit: Laureate Education, Inc.
ACFG3A-006_Fixed (MS – John) TC: 15:15:39:16
Credit: Laureate Education, Inc.
ACFG3A-022_Fixed (WS – Therapist Group) TC: 16:39:08:12
Credit: Laureate Education, Inc.
ACFG3A-007_Fixed (MS – Alan vs. Michael) TC: 15:25:10
Credit: Laureate Education, Inc.
Credit: [Astronaut Images]/[Caiaimage]/Getty Images
GettyLicense_186124715 (Voyeur. Pornography Sex on laptop computer.
Credit: scyther5 / iStock / Getty Images Plus/ Getty Images
ACFG3A-003_Fixed (Alan vs. Michael) TC: 15:03:06:17
Credit: Laureate Education, Inc.
ACFG3A-014_Fixed (Michael vs. Everyone) TC: 15:43:47:06
Credit: Laureate Education, Inc.
- Select a topic below on which to focus your original posting:
- How may the addiction to pornography lead to illegal behavior?
- How has the Internet influenced the use of pornography?
- How could pornography be used to groom children into pedophilia?
- How can Internet posting of partners lead to an arrest?
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