Interpreting Data for Business Insights

Effective Communication in Health Teams

In the last assessment you were asked to prepare the first part of your analytics report by creating graphs and calculating some descriptive statistics. In this assessment, you will write your 6-8 page analytics report by interpreting those graphs and statistics, and explicitly connecting those interpretations to implications in the practical business context. Applying Analytic Techniques to Business
The first step in creating meaningful information from raw data is to represent the data effectively in graphical format and to calculate any required statistics. The second step is interpreting and explaining those graphs and statistics in order to apply them in the business context.
lass=”yoast-text-mark” />>In the previous assessment, you were asked to create the first part of your analytics report by preparing graphs and calculating some descriptive statistics.  However, it may not be feasible or practical to gather data on the entire population. In those cases, data is gathered from a sample or subset of the population. Analyses done on the sample are then used to draw inferences regarding the overall population; this mathematic process is referred to as inferential statistics. In this assessment, we begin discussing the topics of sampling and drawing inferences.

Interpreting Data for Business Insights

This course covers inferential statistical techniques. These techniques are parametric and require specific assumptions for reliable results. Many of these assumptions relate to an underlying distribution.

In contrast, nonparametric techniques do not require assumptions about distributions. Analysts often use these techniques when parametric assumptions are not met. Although this topic is beyond the scope of this introductory course, it offers valuable opportunities for further reading and research.

Analytics projects typically result in two types of reports. One report is tailored for executives and takes the form of a presentation. The other is a detailed analytics report. This report documents the analysis so thoroughly that another analyst can reproduce it exactly. Other departments or analysts often refer to this detailed report when they want to conduct similar analyses or when the same analyst needs to repeat the analysis with new data.Applying Analytic Techniques to Business

In this assessment, you will learn the essential elements of a detailed report. You will also create your own analytics report that addresses the business problem you have been working on. APA

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