NSG5320 Week 2 emotional intelligence

The purpose of the threaded discussion is to promote dialogue among students and faculty related to course competencies. Additionally, it seeks to enhance mastery of knowledge related to course objectives. NSG5320 Week 2 emotional intelligence Requirements:  In completing this assignment, students need to provide the initial substantive response to the discussion question/topic(s) posted by the […]
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NSG5906 Week 5 SOAP Note

Subjective Data:   The Chief Complaint is clear, concise, and verbatim from pt. History of Present Illness is thorough yet concise and provides a chronological account of symptoms and contextual factors that are sufficiently descriptive (OLDCARTS) to validate Dx per DSM-5 TR criteria. Include all pertinent negatives. A longitudinal course of illness is clear and includes […]
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NSG5906 Week 3 SOAP Note

Subjective Data The Chief Complaint is clear, concise, and verbatim from pt. History of Present Illness is thorough yet concise and provides a chronological account of symptoms and contextual factors that are sufficiently descriptive (OLDCARTS) to validate Dx per DSM-5 TR criteria. Besides, all pertinent negatives are included. A longitudinal course of illness is clear. […]
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Telephone Triage system

Telephone Triage system is a process that uses phones to assess a patient’s health state and determine to appropriate level of care.  Triage is the act of priorotizing a patient’s care. This system is important, especially in making appointments. The doctor calls patients and assesses whether the patients’s conditions require a physical treatment. Telephone Triage […]
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NSG5906 Fitzgerald Assignment

Fitzgerald Assignment 1: ADD and Sleep Medications: When and What to Prescribe You will complete the Fitzgerald Online Course/CME and upload a copy of your completion by the end of the week (Tuesday/Day 7) Week 1 ADD and Sleep Medications: When and What to Prescribe Purpose Fitzgerald Health Education Associates has developed many AANP-accredited courses for […]
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NSG/486CA Global Health and GHI

NSG/486CA Global Health and GHI Global Health and GHI Presentation  This assessment has 2 parts: Part 1: Evaluate your global health knowledge by assessing an emerging global health issue (GHI). Address factors that exacerbate the issue and develop a plan for improvement. Part 2: Present information about an identified GHI that is of importance to […]
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Intersectionality Theory

Intersectionality is simply an acceptance that everyone at a given point, in their own way, faces discrimination either because of their physical ability, race, or class. Intersectionality Theory centers on understanding how various forms of disadvantages or inequality form obstacles. Crenshaw used intersectionality to show how gender race, class, and other systems combine to shape […]
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Affordable research paper writers

Affordable research paper writers and marvelous writers can be used interchangeably. Affordability is a significant factor affecting the purchasing power of students. This is because most students face financial constraints due to education-related expenses. As such, college students often budget, plan, and monitor their expenses to ensure that they prioritize essential needs. Marvelous Writers is […]
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How to write Peer Responses?

Indeed, the biopsychosocial model acknowledges the interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors in understanding and treating mental health conditions. The biopsychosocial model framework looks at how a person’s biological factors like genetics, psychological state like thoughts and emotions, and social environment such as relationships, culture, and socioeconomic status all interact to influence mental health. […]
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Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

A doctor of nursing practice (DNP) is a scholarly project that focuses on translating theoretical and clinical knowledge and skills into practice. A DNP project is to take a broad area of concern and turn it into a focused problem to improve healthcare. The purpose of a DNP is to contribute to existing body of […]
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Modern Language Association (MLA) style

The Modern Language Association is a writing style used for academic papers in the arts and humanities. MLA outlines the guidelines of a professional paper, including aspects such as heading, in-text citations, works cited page, quotations, and  margin size. MLA places more emphasis on authorship than the other styles do since it deals with the […]
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Success hacks in writing discussions

Academic success depends on the ability of students to write strong, engaging, and effective discussion posts. This blog posts provides key success hacks to elevate your discussion posts. i) Detailed introduction Begin your discussion post with a strong introduction, preferably about 10% the length of your paper. An introduction can be an interesting story, presentation […]
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Why American Psychological Association (APA)?

The American Psychological Association or simply APA is a writing style and format used in used in academic documents among university students and faculty. The APA style outlines aspects such as citation, style, and  page layout, including margins, headings, and page numbers. The style is used in disciplines such as sociology, education, nursing, criminal justice, […]
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