Mahler’s Separation-Individuation Theory

Mahler’s Separation-Individuation Theory proposes that successful completion of the developmental stages in the first few years of life results in separation and individuation. Mahler describes a series of stages occurring within the first three years of life aimed at the developmental goal of Separation and Individuation. It focuses on the mother-infant interactions within the first […]
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Expressive psychotherapy

Expressive psychotherapy is an approach to therapy that uses writing, art, music, drama, or dance to manage mental health conditions such as ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, & Autism. It is also a form of treatment that uses creative activities to help those affected share and process feelings and memories that may be hard to put into […]
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Internal Family Systems Model (IFS)

The Internal Family Systems Model (IFS) is an approach to individual psychotherapy that was developed by Richard C. Schwartz in the 1980s. It combines systems thinking with the view that the mind is made up of relatively discrete subpersonalities. Each of the sub personalities have their own unique viewpoint and qualities. The sub-personalities consist of […]
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