Nocturnal or diurnal enuresis?

Enuresis is involuntary urination while asleep after the age at which staying dry at night can be reasonably expected. There are two types of enuresis, including nocturnal enuresis and diurnal enuresis. Nocturnal enuresis, or bed-wetting at night, is the most common type of elimination disorder. Daytime wetting is called diurnal enuresis. Some children experience either […]
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What is Social anxiety disorder?

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a health condition in which people experience fear and anxiety when around other people or social situations. SAD causes people to exhibit persistent and intense fear of being watched or judged by others. Social anxiety disorder is likely to develop in people who have experienced trauma and chronic stress at some […]
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Childhood schizophrenia

Childhood schizophrenia is an uncommon but severe mental disorder in which children and teenagers interpret reality abnormally. This involves a range of problems with thinking, behavior or emotions. Childhood schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs your child’s ability to function. Although childhood schizophrenia is […]
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What is Obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric condition with symptoms such as unwanted thoughts and fear that lead people to engage in repetitive behaviors of compulsions. The compulsions in people with OCD interfere with daily activities and cause significant distress.  OCD is usually a life-long (chronic) condition, but symptoms can come and go over time. Everyone […]
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Leadership Styles Explained

Leadership is a key contributor to building organizational capacity for change. The commonly used leadership styles, include transformational leadership, democratic leadership, autocratic leadership, servant leadership, charismatic, transactional, bureaucratic, and laissez-faire leadership styles. Transformational leadership is a style that empowers people to accomplish positive change through inspiration, open-line communication with staff, and demonstrating integrity in the […]
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