Clinical Practice Issues

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) define clinical practice as nurses’ ability to perform safe and effective nursing practices using professional values, skills, knowledge, and attitudes. It may also mean a range of roles, responsibilities, activities, and functions that are within the scope of practice of registered nurses in health facilities. There are different issues […]
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Special education

Special education means the practice of educating students with disability in a manner that helps overcome their special needs. Special education may also mean interventions that help eliminate the obstacles that keep students with disability from learning. The primary aim of special education is to ensure that students with disability are given the necessary support […]
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Feminism theory

The theory of feminismis a critical paradigm that aims to end sexism and oppression. It advocates for equal treatment of both men and women. The theory seeks to understand, critique, and address gender inequalities and the systemic structures that perpetuate them. Women should be given an equal opportunity to school just like men. Nigeria’s government […]
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Life of Pi; A Heor’s Journey

Life of Pi; A Heor’s Journey; This paper will discuss the connection between the book Life of Pi by the award-winning Canadian author Yann Martel and the Hero’s Journey coined by Joseph Campbell. It is divided into two main sections; one which summarizes the Life of Pi novel and the other which discusses the connection […]
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Abraham in the Jewish Religion

Judaism happens to be the oldest of the three great faiths; Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Judaism defines how the Jewish people live and draws its beliefs from the Torah (Chaya 654). It is considered to be the expression of the covenant between God and the children of Israel. Judaism is the tenth-largest religion globally, with […]
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The Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement is a treaty that is legally binding within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It focuses on climate change mitigation, adaptation, and finance. It not until on December 12, 2015 when it was adopted by 169 parties during the 21 st conference of the parties of the UNFCCC held […]
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Conflict Resolution approaches

Conflict is defined as a serious disagreement or argument that lasts longer than necessary. Conflicts result from individuals or groups with different beliefs, attitudes, opinions, or needs. Although people view conflict as harmful and damaging, it is sometimes inevitable as it has both advantages and disadvantages. This paper will discuss my preferred styles of dealing […]
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Sustainability in Airline Companies

Sustainability in the business world means minimizing the negative impacts on the global and local environment. It is also a business approach that aims at creating long-term value to a business organization by critically analyzing the social, ecological, and economic environment of that business organization. Sustainability is essential for global businesses because it focuses on […]
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What Degrades and Weakens Attention?

Amishi Jha, a Neuroscientist, explains how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected our brain’s attention. Jha uses the four words volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) to describe how high-stress and high-demand scenarios can rapidly degrade our attention. She focused the study on people who experience VUCA conditions as part of their jobs, such as soldiers, […]
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Stakeholder’s Conflicting Opinions

Stakeholder’s Conflicting Opinions;  A stakeholder is an individual, group, or party that has a vested interest in an organization and can affect or be affected by the organization’s business performance and outcomes. The interests of different stakeholder groups can conflict, and thus business leaders need to have the skills to maintain working relationships with all […]
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young adults’ Health-related risk

1. What are some of the biological influences on the tendency of young adults to take health-related risks? According to the biopsychosocial model, some of the influences on health-related risks include genetic makeup and physical trauma. Many disorders prevalent today have an inherited genetic vulnerability. Therefore, genetics plays a critical role in the development of […]
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Kinsey by Bill Condon

INSTRUCTIONS: Watch the Bill Condon movie, Kinsey (2004), about renowned sex researcher Alfred Kinsey. In a short paper, I want you to address the following questions: • In what ways were Kinsey and his research a product of the times? In other words, research doesn’t just spontaneously occur; there are facilitators and barriers in place […]
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Psychology Perspectives

The American Psychological Association defines psychology as the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Psychology is a wide discipline that acts as an umbrella for many other subfields such as human development, cognitive processes, and social behavior. Psychology dates back to the Ancient Greeks, that is, in 1879 when Wilhelm Wundt launched the first […]
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Styles of Conflict Resolution

Conflict is defined as a serious disagreement or argument that lasts longer than necessary. Conflicts result from individuals or groups with different beliefs, attitudes, opinions, or needs. Although people view conflict as harmful and damaging, it is sometimes inevitable as it has both advantages and disadvantages. This paper will discuss my preferred styles of dealing […]
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Self-Determination Theory

1. What did the authors expect based on chosen theory? According to this article, self-determination theory argues that a behavior change is likely to occur and persist if it is motivated by autonomy. The article titled motivational predictors of weight loss and weight loss maintenance by William et al. (1996) tested the self-development theory with […]
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effective teamwork

Teamwork means the collaborative effort of a group achieves a common objective. It is also the collaboration of individuals working towards completing a task most effectively and efficiently. Teamwork is helpful in a group project because it maximizes team members' individual strengths and thus brings the best out of each one of them. It also […]
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Ideas of Relationship and Marriage

Watch the following videos and reflect on how your ideas of relationships and marriage differ from those outlined. What do you see as being benefits and downfalls of each? Nirel Marofsky, in her YouTube video titled Changing the Way We Think About Consensual Non-monogamy, outlined ideas of relationships and marriage. One of the video's ideas […]
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Pneumonia H1N1 Hyperlipidemia Heart Failure

A 70-year-old female presents with dyspnea and cough.  Medical history includes: COPD, DM II, Hypertension and dyslipidemia. The labs are as follows: Pneumonia H1N1 Hyperlipidemia Heart Failure T:   102.3 HR:  102 O2: 84% on room air,  90% nasal cannula Bicarb: 23 X -Ray:  Focal consolidation Left Lower Lobe   Compare and contrast hospital vs. […]
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Hyperlipidemia discussion

Hi, It is true that Hyperlipidemia is a medical term for elevated levels of lipids in the blood. Through your post, I learned that high hypercholesterolemia level is among the risk factors contributing to the evolution of atherosclerosis and consequent vascular disease (Hill & Bordoni, 2021, para. 12). I like how you discussed the diagnosis […]
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Case Study and Discussion

A 28-year-old male presents with opioid dependency.  He is not in treatment at the present time and is exhibiting severe withdrawal symptoms. Case Study and Discussion  Compare and contrast the efferent and afferent nerve pathways. What is nociception? What is somatogenic pain? What is hyperalgesia?  How does Naloxone work? A 55-year-old male presents after a […]
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