The Teenage Brain Development

The materials for the week included a presentation on the “power of the teenage brain” by Dan Siegel, the theory of attachment, and chapter 6 of the book The Resilient Child by Joanne A. Joseph. The materials are rich with insights that can be of great benefits to parents with adolescent children. In this paper, […]
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Biological Anthropology

The social structure in primates is influenced by factors such as human activities, body size, relationship with other species, and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Primates that have a large body size require fewer calories per unit weight compared to smaller animals. Human activities such as hunting and forest clearing negatively impacts the primates as they […]
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Multidisciplinary Team Approach

Ms. Tuckerno has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS)- a condition in which the protective covering of the nerve is eaten away by the immune system. The patient has over time been receiving treatment at an internal medicine clinic. Her internist who has been taking care of her was not in the office for a […]
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Low Vision and Blindness

Rainey, L., Elsman, E. B. M., van Nispen, R. M. A., van Leeuwen, L. M., & van Rens, G. H. M. B. (2016). Comprehending the impact of low vision on the lives of children and adolescents: a qualitative approach. Quality of Life Research, 25(10), 2633-2643. Low Vision and Blindness This article develops a model that […]
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Hazards of technology

Technology is defined as the skills, methods, techniques, and processes that are used in the production of goods and services or in the accomplishment of objectives. Technology can be dated back 2 million years ago when man invented stone tools. Technology has since then had a tremendous impact on four main areas of human life […]
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Physician-assisted-suicide (PAS) or assisted suicide is suicide that is assisted by healthcare providers. The PAS is considered a crime in many countries and legal in only a few. To qualify for assisted suicide, one requires to have a terminal illness provided it is voluntary and they are of sound mind. The assisted suicide topic has […]
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Decision making model

Decision making means the process of selecting the best alternative based on individual beliefs, preferences, and values. At times, there is limited time for managers to formulate policies or addressing problems affecting an organization. A decision-making model refers to steps that decision-makers should consider to maximize the quality of outcomes. Many models of decision making […]
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Brand Positioning; Netflix

Netflix Inc. is an international media services provider and technology company based in America. The company was founded in 1997 and is headquartered in Los Gatos, California, United States (Voigt, Buliga, & Michl, 2017). The company provides a wide range of products and services, including entertainment contents in the form of movies and television studios […]
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