Social conflict theory

Conflict theory or social conflict theory originated from the work of Karl Marx, focusing on cause and consequences. In other words, the theory argues that conflicts arise between owners of factors of production or the rich and the working class. Therefore, Karl Marx is considered as the father of social conflict theory (Trevino, 2017). The […]
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What is elasticity of demand?

What is elasticity of demand? An elastic product is one in which the quantity demanded changes significantly when prices increase or decrease.  A good’s price elasticity of demand is a measure of how sensitive the quantity demanded is to its price. In other words, increasing the price decreases the quantity of a product demanded, and […]
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Consumer surplus

Consumer surplus refers to the variance between the price that consumers pay for a commodity and the price they are able and willing to pay for a good. When this is plotted on a curve representing supply and demand, consumer surplus represents the region between the demand price and the equilibrium price. An increase in […]
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Brand Positioning of Netflix Inc.

Brand Positioning of Netflix Inc. Netflix Inc. is an international media services provider and technology company based in America. The company was founded in 1997 and is headquartered in Los Gatos, California, United States (Voigt, Buliga, & Michl, 2017). The company provides a wide range of products and services, including entertainment contents in the form of […]
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Frustrating nursing experience

Frustrating nursing experience; One of the frustrating experiences I have had during my nursing practice relates to intravenous (IV) insertion. This is when I failed to hit the vein in one shot during an intravenous (IV) insertion and my patient was a health professional. This experience left me very embarrassed and low-spirited. Significance of the […]
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Animals use in scientific studies

Animals are used in research to help scientists to understand how human bodies work. Animals used in scientific research dates back in the history of biomedical research during the Ancient Gree writings. İt is estimated that American scientists use about 26 million animals testing annually. Studies also reveal that about 85 percent of all animals […]
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Psychiatric Clinical Rotation

Psychiatric Clinical Rotation; Psychiatry is the field of medicine focusing on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental health disorders. Psychiatrists also deal with mental health disorders, including alcohol use disorder and marijuana use disorder. It takes about eight years of post-undergraduate study to become a broad-certified psychiatrist in the United States. The third year […]
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Barrack Hussein Obama’s Leadership

Barrack Obama is the leader I admire and respect. Obama is an American politician affiliated to the Democratic Party. He was born on August 4, 1961 and served as the 44th president in the United States. He held the presidential office beginning January 2009 to January 2017. Obama served as president for two terms. Before […]
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Deep brain stimulation

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical therapy refers to a brain surgery that is meant to implant electrodes that send electric signals to areas in the brain responsible for body movements (Weerasinghe et al., 2019). Although DBS is considered safe, it has a lot of negative effects. The negative effects associated with DBS surgery […]
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Physical exercise among middle-aged

Physical exercise among middle-aged adults can help reduce the risk of various health problems. Some of the health conditions that be prevented and managed through physical exercise include obesity and type 2 diabetes. This paper aims to discuss how the prevalence rate of the two conditions in society today and recommend health promotion measures to […]
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Piaget’s theory of child development

Piaget’s theory of child development; Formal operational is the fourth stage of Piaget’s theory of child development. The stage begins at the age of 12 and lasts into adulthood (Ghazi & Ullah p. 10). During the formal operational stage, children begin to think abstrusely and hypothetically. In other words, adolescents in the fourth stage have […]
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Homeostatic theory of obesity

Obesity is a complex health condition involving more than required body fat. Conditions that increase the development of obesity include stroke, type 2 diabetes mellitus, gallbladder disease, and hypertension. One of the misconceptions surrounding obesity is that it is caused by imbalances between the amount of energy intake and expenditure. The homeostatic theory of obesity […]
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Drug Abuse on Opioids

Drug Abuse on Opioids; Opioids are drugs such as heroin, fentanyl, morphine, codeine, and oxycodone that have chemicals that act in the nervous system to relieve pain or produce a feeling of pleasure. Individuals with opioid addiction report a compelling urge to use drugs even in times they longer require them. The National Institute of […]
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Barcode medication administration (BCMA)

Barcode medication administration (BCMA) is the use of barcode technology to improve the administration of medication. Health care workers use this technology to confirm a patient’s medication at bedside to ensure that the five rights of medication administration including the correct dose, patient, time, drug, and route. The barcode medication administration technology also helps prevent […]
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The Endangered Species Act

The Endangered Species Act of 1973 in the primary law in the United States for protecting imperiled species. There are three things that caught my attention about the original Endangered Species Act that I will share in this paper. The first thing is that the ESA law was to a greater extent inspired by the […]
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Multidisciplinary Team Approach   

Multidisciplinary Team Approach  Ms. Tuckerno has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS)- a condition in which the protective covering of the nerve is eaten away by the immune system. The patient has over time been receiving treatment at an internal medicine clinic. Her internist who has been taking care of her was not in the […]
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Leadership Development Program

Leadership development programs expand the capacity of individuals to effectively perform in leadership roles within an organization. Leadership development is a common phenomenon in succession planning, which entails producing leaders of high-calibre to take up senior leadership positions when they fall vacant. It is estimated that over $150 billion is spent on leadership development every […]
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The transtheoretical model (TTM)

The transtheoretical model (TTM) is a model that was developed in the late 1970s by Prochaska and DiClemente. The model evolved through studies examining the experiences of smokers who quit on their own with the smokers who require further treatment to understand why some people were capable of quitting on their own (Nigg et al., […]
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Voter Suppression or Voter Fraud?

Voter Suppression or Voter Fraud? Voter suppression refers to the strategy used by politicians to influence election outcomes by preventing specific people and groups from voting. Voter fraud, on the other hand, means the legal interference with the due process of an election either through increasing the number of votes in favor of a specific […]
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Abdominal Pain Differential Diagnosis

Abdominal pain is the pain stemming from the inside of the abdomen or the outer muscle wall. Abdominal pain is felt in more than half of the belly and ranges from mild, temporary, and severe. The possible causes of abdominal pain include pregnancy, urinary tract infection, inflammation of the gallbladder, ulcers, and appendicitis (Bickley, 2021). […]
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