Performance Appraisal at Telespazio

Performance Appraisal at Telespazio; Telespazio is a space services company operating globally with headquarters based in Rome, Italy. Telespazio was founded in 1961 by Italcable and the RAI. The company is established under the National Research Council (NRC) and Posts and Communications Ministry in Italy (Profili et al., 2018). Telespazio initially ventured into providing telecommunication […]
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Epinephrine in Dental Application

Epinephrine in Dental Application; Dentistry is a medical field that entails the treatment of diseases and conditions affecting teeth and gums. Among the services provided in the dentistry include extraction of teeth, repair, and the insertion of artificial teeth. The American Dental Association exercise oversight on the practice of dentistry in the United States. More […]
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Limited Liability Partnership

A limited liability partnership (LLP) is one in which some or all partners have limited liability. Therefore, a limited liability partnership exhibits both the elements of a partnership and those of a corporation (Tran et al., 2020). On the other hand, a C corporation is under the U.S. income tax law defined as a partnership […]
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Mergers Verses Acquisitions

Mergers Verses Acquisitions; Joash, Gwaya Ondieki, and Mungai John Njangiru. “The effect of mergers and acquisitions on financial performance of banks (a survey of commercial banks in Kenya).” International Journal of Innovative Research and development 4.8 (2015): 101-113. Ondiek and Njangiru claim that mergers and acquisitions play a critical role in corporate finance. This […]
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Increasing Employee Motivation

Employee motivation is key to ensuring that an organization accomplishes goals within the stipulated time. Organization leaders should know that kills and experience alone are not enough to stimulate employees to perform tasks. It should also be noted that different employees are motivated by various factors. Employees working in the Libyan banking sector, for instance, […]
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wealth of nations

Chap. II: Of the principle which gives occasion to the division of labour. This division of labour, from which so many advantages are derived, is not originally the effect of any human wisdom, which foresees and intends that general opulence to which it gives occasion. It is the necessary, though very slow and gradual, consequence […]
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pathophysiology of claudication

Definition of symptom(10pts): Claudication is a health condition in which the cramping pain is felt in the lower leg after an exercise such as walking (Lane et al., 2017). Claudication is often caused by obstruction of arteries or inadequate flow of blood to the muscle tissues. The pain is felt while walking and subsides with […]
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Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan Marketing refers to activities undertaken by individuals or companies to promote the buying or selling of products or services. To achieve efficiency and effectiveness in marketing, individuals and companies employ various marketing strategies. Similarly, I have developed a strategy to market and secure mortgage referral sources, real estate agents, school connections, auto dealerships, […]
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false confession

A false confession is defined as admission of guilt for a crime which the confessing entity is not responsible (Frenda et al., 2016). More often people who do false confession do so voluntary, or are coerced to do so or are mentally incapacitated. Voluntary false confession describes individuals who confess out of their own will. […]
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violence against women

Femicide or feminicide refers to violence against women ranging from physical, sexual, and emotional harassment. It may also be in the form of threats and intimidation by either male partners, ex-partners or female family members. The cases of femicides reported in the United States have been increasing since the 1970s. As of 2019, about 1,800 […]
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Perfect competition

Perfect competition is a market structure where all sellers sell homogeneous products, firms are price takers, and whose market share does not influence prices.  A monopoly market structure is one in which a single firm sells unique products in the market. In other words, the firm operating in a monopoly market does not face any […]
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Grit by Angela Duckworth    

Chapter 11 Lucy, at four years, was a big fan of raisins. The author, one day observed her seated on the kitchen table as she struggled to open the small box of raisins (Duckworth, p 261). Although Lucy was hungry, the box resisted her efforts, and he had no option but to wander off. When […]
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Destination Marketing

Destination Marketing is a form of marketing in which a given destination is promoted to potential visitors in order to increase the number of people travelling to that destination. It also means engaging with key players in order to drive awareness of a given destination. This is done to drive interest so that more people […]
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What is Enlightenment? 

What is Enlightenment? Immanuel Kant defines enlightenment as a “man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity” Kleingeld, 2006 p, 17). Kant uses the term immaturity to mean “the inability to use one’s understanding without guidance from another” (Kleingeld, 2006 p, 17). He adds and says that the kind of immaturity he is referring to is “self-imposed […]
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Therapeutic progress

The outcome rating scale (ORS) is a measure used by patients to provide feedback on their perception regarding therapeutic progress (Low, Miller, & Squire, 2012). In other words, it is a tool used by patients to give instant feedback on what is working and what is not working in treatment. The ORS is an effective […]
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Andragogy principles

Andragogy is defined as the methods and principles used when designing and delivering training to adults (Ota, DiCarlo, & Burts, 2006). In other words, andragogy explains the six principles that guide a person who is planning to train adults. One of the principles is the need to know, which states that adults always want a […]
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Inclusion of women in the economy

The inclusion of women in the economy is considered critical. According to Obaid (2020), there are many ways through which women can be involved in a country’s economy including labor, decision-making, financing, and digital inclusion. In other words, the inclusion of women in these four areas would not only result in a robust economy but […]
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Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate governance refers to various policies, practices, and regulations used by various parties to oversee a company’s operations. The role of corporate governance is to ensure that managers deliver the company’s long-term objectives (Bhagat & Bolton, 2019). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business practice that allows companies to integrate social and environmental concerns into […]
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Nike Inc.

Nike Inc. is a multinational corporation that focuses on the manufacture, and sale of footwear. It was founded in 1964 by Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman and began as a small running shoe company (Piskorski & Johnson, 2012). The company was originally known as Blue Ribbon Sports obtained the current name from a famous swoosh […]
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Active and Peer Learning

Active learning is an approach in which students are actively involved in the course material through experiments, case studies and problem-solving (Hartikainen et al., 2019). In other words, is an approach to learning where students do much more than passive listening. There are various methods used to promote active learning, including reading, writing, problem-solving, and […]
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