Starbucks Corporation

A work-Life committee is a group of people that work to ensure that there is equilibrium between personal life, family life and professional life in an organization. In other words, the committee works to ensure efficient split of time and energy spent in various aspects of life. I have volunteered as a member of the […]
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Training Knowledge transfer to Workplaces

Training Knowledge transfer to Workplaces; This article defines training as a process through which a new set of skills and attitudes are acquired. The training programs are developed to provide individuals with instructions that are related to job tasks. Fatima and Siddiqui (2020) posited that training is needed during the orientation of new employees with […]
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Performance Appraisal at Telespazio

Telespazio is a space services company operating globally with headquarters based in Rome, Italy. Telespazio was founded in 1961 by Italcable and the RAI. The company is established under the National Research Council (NRC) and Posts and Communications Ministry in Italy (Profili et al., 2018). Telespazio initially ventured into providing telecommunication services utilizing artificial satellites. […]
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Depressive disorders

Depressive disorders are health conditions that affect an individual’s mood, thinking, behavior, and feeling. It is estimated that one in every five adults in the United States lives with a mental illness. The most common depressive disorders include anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), personality disorders, dementia, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), disruptive mood […]
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Howard Gardner’s theory

Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences posits that individuals are not born with all intelligence they will ever need but develop as they grow (Leshkovska and Spaseva, 2016). This theory was first featured in Howard Gardner’s book published in 1983 titled “Frames of Mind.” Howard Gardener’s theory of multiple intelligence was developed to challenge the […]
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income distribution discussion replies

You selected the job is that of an agricultural worker. In your opinion, it is strange how they are paid peanuts, although other people depend on them for survival. The agricultural workers work in all weather conditions as they need to water crops and feed livestock every day. You were also surprised to learn that […]
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Femicide or feminicide

Femicide or feminicide refers to violence against women ranging from physical, sexual, and emotional harassment. It may also be in the form of threats and intimidation by either male partners, ex-partners or female family members. The cases of femicides reported in the United States have been increasing since the 1970s. As of 2019, about 1,800 […]
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negative stereotypes among African American

A stereotype refers to a mistaken belief that many people hold against a group of people based on how they look without, which may not be true. Stereotypes of African Americans that have been prevalent in the United States dates back to the slavery era and before independence. The country has also been on the […]
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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) 

Corporate governance refers to various policies, practices, and regulations used by various parties to oversee a company’s operations. The role of corporate governance is to ensure that managers deliver the company’s long-term objectives (Bhagat & Bolton, 2019). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business practice that allows companies to integrate social and environmental concerns into […]
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Economies of scale replies

Reply 1 It is impressive how you begin your work with a comprehensive definition of each of the three types of economics scale. You do not only define the types of economies of scale but also state when each occurs. For example, I agree with you that economies of scale occur when a company’s output […]
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